TRAVEL || Journey 2

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Dawn Island is located in east blue and where the Goa Kingdom  is situated.  You're going to stop there and stay for maybe a week or two since you need to restock your food supply, new set of clothes, and few other things for the ship. It may not need wind because of the power sources however you still need to conserve it so it doesn't run out so soon. So relying to the wind  is your current option. You also thought that it may be weird for other ship that your is not moving using wind and might got targeted because of it, so this makes you cautious.

It says that your arriving in the said Dawn Island for about 13 hours from your current situation. It bores you to death to just stares at the ocean, so what did you do? Of course count the money you found in the ship. Man, the one who owned this ship must be filthy reach. The berries are all in 23 large chest.

You already counted the 5 of them and the berries you have is 6 million berries. It took to much time counting on them but it doesn't matter. Money are not tiring to count especially if there's too many of them. 

7 hours had pass and you counted almost 1 and half of the chest. The berries inside are not even to each other so you have to count all of them and write it in you notebook to record it and also to see how much you need to spend for the trip. You need to budget it wisely after all.

But sometimes, it's good to be selfish and buy everything you want unless you have lots of money.

Current money: 7,050,789 berries

Its already night and you're currently cooking for dinner. Thanks to whoever write their recipe book and left it in the ship you had a chance of cooking something that you never had before. Following the instructions carefully, you made your dinner for yourself. 

You still have 5 hours before arriving to the island so you didn't bother to stop the ship. Your not even planning on sleeping unless you arrive to the island. Eating and cleaning the dishes is already done by the time you saw the island from fore castle deck.

You saw a lot of figures waiting in the shore. Maybe they want to know whether your a pirate or not. But you didn't put a skull flag indicating that you were a pirate since you're just a traveler who want to see the world and go the grandline later on.

Setting your ship to the shore where some of the town people gather. You lowered your anchor  before going down. You're not afraid of the ship being stolen since the ship needs a key to sail. You're not afraid of your money being stolen either since the whole ship have a lot of modern mechanics that you, surely lot of people don't know about.

The curiosity of the people grew as they saw a shadow  going down from  the ship and not seeing the face of the said shadow.

"Was it a pirate again?"

"How can that be? Didn't it notice that the red hair pirates are here?"

"I don't think it was a pirate. I mean look, it doesn't have a skull flag."

"That's right. It also not looks like a navy either."

"Then who is it?"

The talks of the people stops when a girl shows up coming from the direction where the newly arrived ship is. 

"A child?"

Despite being a 12 year old girl your height could be considered as if your in your late teenage year. Your height is 5'7 and still growing.

"Hello, i hope you're not startled by my arrival but i hope you gave me a permission to stay for a week or two. I promise not to cause any trouble." You politely said and bowed to the people that present there.

They were taken aback by your sudden behavior. But they indeed let you stay in the island as much as you want, they say.

"How can a child like you travel around without a guardian? Do you want to become a pirate?" One of the towns people ask.

"That's because my parents died in a decease few years ago. Also I'm not going to be a pirate."

"If your not going to be a pirate then..."

"I'm only traveling. I want to see the world the way it is and later on go to the grandline."

"Wouldn't that be dangerous? You should reconsider child!"

"That's right, you should value your life more! Do not be reckless"

And from then on, the people you found out from foosha village, scold you for traveling alone and attempting of going to the grandline.


"Have you heard, Shanks? A new ship arrive around 12 o'clock last night."

"Really? Was it a pirate ship?"

"Well, is it not."

"A navy then. Are they here to catch us?"

"They said it was neither a pirate ship or a navy ship. It was a ship owned by a child that arrive last night and claiming that she is a traveler."

"The crazy part is, the child told the people that she's going to grandline."

"Hahaha, is that so?"


It was already morning and started you daily routine. You currently sleep in the foosha village mayor's house. You told them last night that it was okay for you to sleep in the tavern however they didn't allow you to saying that it was dangerous for a child. So here you are now, helping at least at making breakfast for the Mayor and cleaning his house for allowing you to stay in his house.

After cooking, eating and cleaning, you immediately told the mayor that you were looking around the village. After going into various of places, you came across a bar. You walked into the bar but the atmosphere seems odd. How come?

Suddenly, the next thing you knew that there were a bunch or weapons pointing at you.

"Is this a new style of greeting a new costumer?" You muttered a genuine question thinking it is a new way of greeting a person.

But you don't know that they see you as a dangerous person.

Let's continue the journey again, Traveler!

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