Travel // Journey 13

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As I set sail after that hideous, outrageous, merciless training from the marine hero, Garp. I inhaled the fresh air that ran through my nose. It still gives me goosebumps til now whenever I remember Garp training me to the bones.

I don't want any sight of him. I'll die before I know it. I still need to meet Luffy.  Speaking of which, if I decided to meet Luffy and eventually join his crew what would happen to this ship?

I sighed and nommed my food. I was on a certain island in the grand line. The ship was well hidden except if someone had an advanced conqueror haki then they might be able to locate the ship.

I need to hide it.

I scanned the whole island. It's big and full of monsters but it seems like they are afraid of me because I activated my conqueror haki.

The island contains heavy poison. I smiled weakly when I remembered what happened to my homeland. Because of the harsh reality, I couldn't accept the faith that my family, friends, and other townspeople had to face because of a mistake in opening the so-called treasure box.

I needed to increase my ability, my strength, and my other weaknesses. Before, I was just an aspiring swordsman and thought that it was just a hobby. I didn't think that I would use it to kill and protect someone.

Garp was right. I would be nothing without my sword. I train and train. If I could protect someone with this strength of mine then I'm glad.

I'm not trying to be a hero. It's just that I hated the fact that people will suffer just because they're weak and unable to protect themselves. Yet again, people need to realize that they are not always protected. They needed to learn how to protect themselves like I did.

I wonder what would my father think of me once he found out that his daughter already killed a lot of people. Will he be proud? Will he hate me? Will he hate what I become?

My thoughts wander after that I come across a small entrance. It was an entrance to the mountain. It looks suspicious but I'm curious so save it, I'm going to enter no matter what.

I withdraw my conqueror haki and enter the entrance. It was so small that only a 12-year-old child could fit it. I was having a hard time entering. Did I grow fat or something?

After a while, I finally entered inside. It was kind of dark. I used my observation haki along with my sharp hearing and smelling just be cautious in case something was inside. I calmly spread my senses and observation haki. From what I could see and felt there's a faint smell of powder that mostly used to make torches and a bit of smell of gas.

I reach my hand near the dirt wall and my hand lands on a torch. Luckily I always carry a lighter in case something like this happens. I light the torch and the darkness suddenly lightens up a bit. The torch is quite big and the fire it makes is also big however it wasn't enough to light the whole area. I assumed that it was bigger than i thought it would be however it was fascinating that the inside of a mountain was completely empty.

I suddenly felt a wind from my left side. I quickly looked where the wind was coming from and I nearly slipped because of my recklessness. The area was now like a pit hole. It was deep enough that I can't even see the ground. I grab a stone near where I am standing and throw it into the hole. 5 minutes passed and the stone hadn't reached the end yet but then I heard a splash indicating that it was water beyond the hole. Curious I jump on it.

As I reach the water making a huge splash. I saw that the sea below me was clear and a bunch of sea stones reflected the light from the sea. It was big and could compare to the whole island.

I wonder how the heck there is a sea under the sea. What? It doesn't make any sense to me either. Like how? Then again it was just one of the mysteries of the sea. I was in the calm belt for goodness sake too. I think it was normal. I explored the whole area and thought it was perfect! I could hide the ship here.

I come back to the ground where I originally came from. I coated the ship for 3 days located the sea under the sea and left the ship there.

After I left the ship and was on the surface of the island again, I activated my observation haki. As expected, the below has become undetected. It must be because of the current under it. I notice that there is pressure that keeps you above the sea and pushes a heavy thing to stay in one place and maybe because of the sea kings that always roam around the sea.

I look at the distance. Now what? How can I get out of this island? Without a ship, I can't go back nor go out from this island. Stupid Y/n.

I sighed while mentally facepalming and scolding myself for being an idiot. All I have is a den den mushi. Should I call Shanks for help? No, that guy would laugh at my stupidity instead of helping me. Then who would help me? I gripped my hair out of frustration and decided to sleep my problems away.

The next day, I was surprised by whom is in front of me.

"Are you okay? Are you trapped in here for so long?" I blinked a couple of times. Man, he's handsome alright.

He has blonde hair and a scar on his face but he's still handsome. I bit my lips trying myself hard to NOT do anything ridiculous in front of him.

"Yes. I was stranded here. The ship that I was into was attacked by sea kings and I think I got lucky that I swam this far." I smoothly lied.

The boy in front of me looks at me in the eyes.

"I see. It must be hard then. Do you want to come with me? I'll take you to where you want your destination to be." He said and smiled at me.

If looks could kill I'm probably dead by now. I took the hand that he offered and muttered a small thanks which he replied with a gentle smile.

Sir, are you single?

I slapped herself and the boy was startled by my action. I gave him an awkward smile and just told him that I was fine. He hesitantly nodded and brought me into the ship he was sailing.

After that, the boy asks me about everything that happened to me before I was found out in one of the islands in the calm belt. So things happened, I lied and lied and made it sound believable. The boy didn't question me anything and just nodded in acceptance.

Let's continue the journey again, Traveler!

I'm sorry if the story was kind of confusing, don't worry, I'm also confused about what am I writing about. Lmao. Happy Friday y'all❤️.3

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