Travel // Journey 7

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It's only been 3 minutes since the fight start and Mihawk has been enjoying every single thing you'd do. He always smile each move you make.

Exchanging every movement here and there, everyone single redhaired pirates who can use advance haki can follow every movements the two of you does except to others who can't use haki who can only see vividly. Everyone who currently doing something stops everything justto watch the fight. Their solely focus was the two of you.

You keep your movement up with Mihawk. He was impress by your speed and he would gladly says that you are a tough opponent and a tricky one at that. Even if you have a weak point and a blind spot it was only for a brief of time. You know how to cover your blind spots to the point that it became your weapon. He really does underestimated you and regret it.

Mist Breathing. Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze.

You charges at Mihawk at blistering speeds while performing dozens of slashes from different sides of Mihawk. He was able to deflect some of them but most of the slashes got through and leaves a wounds in every part of his body.

Mihawk was stunned. This is the least he would expect. I mean he does expect that you are a great swordwoman among those people who are the same age as you but he never expect that someone would be able to injure him besides Shanks.

"Hahaha, i can't believe that the proud Hawkeyed would be injure to a spar who is not an official battle." Shanks wheezed and fall off from where he was sitting. Then he immediately stand up after laughing so hard and look at him seriously. "Hawkeyed, are you holding back because she is a woman? Give our all and don't hold back. That's what you want too right, Y/n?" Shanks look at you.

'Nope, I'm okay of how he was fighting me now.' You thought as you mentally panic but in the end you only nodded and smile sweetly hiding your true feeling of nervousness if Mihawk does indeed become serious to a spar.

"Very well then." He then pointed his sword towards you with a serious look. He then uses a powerful aura. Armament Haki.

'Damn those people didn't lie when they said that Mihawk possesses an incredibly powerful Armament Haki.' You mentally regretting your decision praying like crazy in your head.

Mihawk then make his sword a Black Blade indicating that he was indeed serious about the spar. You accept the truth that you will no longer live and brace yourself for his incoming attack. Everyone tense up by the sudden change of mode waiting for what will happen next. Some might even praying for your well being and for you to survive.

"Haha, I'm in danger..." You awkwardly muttered.

Of course your instinct kicks in. You also posses an armament haki. Everyone watches in awe as your swords turned into a bright red color like a sun radiating. A mark appeared on the side of your forehead to your temple and it was burning like your sword who is like burning from the sun. They could feel an intense haki from your sword. There's one thing that you could only think of...

'I'm hungry...'

Sun Breathing. Thirteenth Form.

You take a deep breathe and performed the all the sun breathing forms continuously to attack Mihawk. The longer you perform the Sun breathing the more it increase the accuracy and agility of its movements, and attacks that greatly injured Mihawk unable to deflect most of them as you suddenly vanished the appears in different places.

'Is she a mushroom?'

Everyone forget how to breathe as they saw a powerful yet beautiful traces of your swordmanship. Every attack and movement is as beautiful as the color of your sword and only few people who can see the attack can tell.

Mihawk was focus on dodging and looking for opportunity to attack back but he can't find the right timing whenever he swing his sword you were no longer there.

Sun Breathing. First Form; Clear Blue Sky

 You  spins and twists your upper body in a circular motion, releasing a 360° slash. Mihawk then reflect it throwing to the other side but then you head a familiar gunshot. You halt and so does Mihawk, unable to move until Benn spoke.

"That it. End of the spar. The 10 minutes spar ended and base on the current situation of the two it supposedly tied however since Hawkeyed takes too much damage it will be Y/n's win." benn announced.

There's a quick silence, processing what happened and Benn's announcement. It only broke when a loud cheered from the redhaired pirates. You on the other hand was confuse what is happening as you couldn't hear anything and soon enough you passed out.


You woke up by the noise outside. You opened your eyes and wonder your eyes around. You are in a cabin. It's probably shanks room. It smells like him after all. You slowly stand up, feeling a bit dizzy. You scanned your self covered in bandage. The memories of you fighting Mihawk like crazy give you goosebumps.

"I nearly died." You shivered at the thought.

The door opened and reveal Hongo one of the senior officer and a doctor of redhaired pirates. He was standing in the door like a wall while looking at you.

'Man is lagging.'

You stand up from your bed and approach him. He was holding a tray with food in it. It  ust be for you to eat. You take the tray from him and thank him as you sit in the chair and place the tray on the table and start eating.

"How long i was out?" You started a conversation while taking a bite in your food.

"Oh? Well uhm... You've been out for 8 hours." He awkwardly said.

"I see. I presumed everyone is partying outside?" You take another bite of your food and finishing it.

"Yes. It's rowdy after the spar between you and Hawkeyed Mihawk."

"I see. Is Sir Mihawk still there?"

"Yes. He's waiting for you to wake up."

Why would he wait for you to wake up? Could it be.... He will beat you up? Should you escape? Where? If you did try to escape he's going to slashed your ship to half to sink and maybe drown you to death.

Hongo notice your sudden reaction. He even have an idea what you were thinking.

"Hawkeyed Mihawk won't do anything to you. He just want to talk to you. I'll escort you there after you change your clothes." He said then leave after giving you a clothes to change. It's one of your clothes from the ship.

One of them must gone through your ship. Culprit? Benn. Shanks wouldn't dare to go to your ship when you threatened him before that you will beat him up if he go to your ship without permission. He once go there with you but stole every booze inside as a stock for it to sell but that bitch literally gulp them all up and pay you 3/8 the price. Benn on the other hand payed the remaining money and for a few reason you trusted him boarding in your ship.

After changing your clothes of course you take a bath first using Shanks bathroom. You walk towards where the noise's coming from. After you reach the deck, you saw a bunch of drunkard who are passed out on the floor. You traveled your eyes looking where the heck Shanks is. Once you spotted Shanks' red hair, you walk towards him and he was currently talking with Mihawk. Well more like Shanks keeps talking while Mihawk is so fed up of Shanks bullshit.

The two of them look at you who's currently approaching them. Shanks smiled brightly and wave at your direction and Mihawk acknowledging your presence by giving a simple nod.

"So, i heard you have a question for me?" You asks direct to the point.

"Which master do you serve?" Mihawk asks with seriousness.

"Uh... God?"

Let's continue the journey again, Traveler!

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