Travel || Journey 4

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"Y/n, join my crew!" Shanks offered with enthusiasm.

"What? No." You said in neutral face.

Ain't no way you gonna be a pirate and have marines on your back. You can't travel peacefully if you become a pirate. You rather be a someone that could get along with pirates and marines not the other way around.

"Whyyyyyyy?" Shanks pout and whined like a child.

His crew laugh at him including Luffy because of how stupid he looks. They are currently seeing the red haired pirates off, after a huge accident about Shanks losing his arm and Luffy got thrown in the water.

For someone who looses an arm his pretty chill like nothing happened. That accident also confirms that Shanks indeed know that he can use haki when he's fighting the sea monster. She thought that Shanks is cool but at the same time not. You knew that Shanks could easily overpowered the monster but he didn't and ended up losing his arm.

"Because-" Before you could even speak, Luffy interrupted you.

"Because she's gonna join my crew!" He declared. 

"What? But-" Before you could say that you are not going to join his crew. You got interrupted again.

"There's no way you can become a pirate!" Shanks said to Luffy.

"Oh yes i will! One day I'll have a ship and a crew better than yours!! And we'll have the biggest hoard of treasure in the world!! Of course with Y/n!" He declared.

"But i don't-"

"And become the king of the pirates!" He added.

At this point you don't want to speak anymore. You always got interrupt and they didn't even bother to listen. They could at least hear you out right? You let a long sigh out as you give up. You'll just have to decline  him again then.

The next thing you knew, Shanks gives his hat to Luffy. Shanks crew finished logging their things and Shanks is done talking with Luffy. Luffy is currently crying, you didn't bother to comfort him because you don't know how and still upset that they keep interrupting you.

Shanks  turn his head towards your direction and walk up to you. Shanks place his hand in your head and pet it.

"I'll see you soon then." He said and turns away.

"It suppose to be 'See you later.' not  'See you soon'." You said with neutral expression.

"Really?" He asks confusingly.

"We will probably. No. Certainly see each other in the grandline." You said.

He was taken aback first and shock was visible in his face but he smile after comprehending your words.

"I'll look forward to it then. I hope the next time we see each other, you already decided to join my crew." He turns around and start walking towards their ship where his crew are waiting for him.

"That won't happen." You said.

Shanks heard even though his already far away. He smirk when he heard your words. He once again wave to Luffy and you before they departed. Luffy is still crying but wiping his tears. He was bawling his eyes out. You turn around and go to the place you're staying in.


A few days later, it's now your turn to depart. Everyone you knew and got close with are here seeing you depart. Luffy is crying his eyes out again as he wrapped his rubber hands all over your body begging you to stay.

"Luffy, i can't stay here any longer. I need to continue my travel and experience a different journeys." You panted as you tried so hard to get Luffy off of you.

"Nooooooo~ Stayyyyyyyyyyy~ I'm willing to share my meat with you so please stay~" He cried.

"I can't. I need to continue traveling."

Makimo and the mayor help you to escape from Luffy. He get off immediately after bribing 10 meats for free. You sighed and catch your breathes from a tiring tug of war and Luffy as the rope being tug by Makimo and the mayor.

"Y/n..." A low voice calls out your name. It was none other than Luffy who is currently facing the floor.

"Hmm?" You hummed  as a response. Looking at his direction.

"Promise me that we will see each other in the future." He's voice is low, probably because he's still crying.

"Of course we would. That is.... if you become a pirate." He finally looked at you. Tears streaming down his face.

"Of course i would!" He exclaimed with certainty as if he knew the future that he will become one.

"Then... once you have a crew yourself, you can find me in the grand line."

"Grand.....line?" He tilted his head.

"That's right. Grand line. Where a lot of powerful pirates and marines resides." You said and grinned at him. "Do you think you can go there?" You challenge.

"Of course! I'll find a powerful crew to go to the grand line and look for you! Just you wait!" He declared, finally stop crying.

"Good. I'll look forward to this powerful crew you spoken of." She smile. She takes out necklace from her pocket. "Take this necklace. It is a sign that we promise we'll see each other in the grand line. I have one as my own. It's yours now."

"Thanks!" He happily accepted the necklace and put it around his neck.

You now departed from foosha village and now to our next destination.



They said that the Grand Line is split into two sections by the : the first section is known as Paradise and the second is known as the New world. Grand Line is also reputed as the "pirate's graveyard," the sea and the islands possess a vast number of unpredictable phenomena that are not seen anywhere else in the world, many of which make sailing extremely difficult and now you can see why.

Traveling within the Line itself that is dangerous, as it virtually guarantees facing unpredictable climates and dangerous wildlife.

'This better be worth it.'

Let's continue the journey again, Traveler!



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