Travel // Journey 12

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Just how did I get here?

"Work your bones, kid. You won't be able to swing those fist if you don't move your entire body." Garp said and laugh.

"In what connection did swinging my fist has to do with moving my entire body?" I asks tiredly.

"Of course for the right posture! You needed to beat my grandson ass for me!" He said seriously as if he recall something that didn't taste so good for him.

"For the last time, I'm a swordsman not a boxer." You huff and swipe your sweat using the back your hand.

"So?" He confusing asks.

"So?! I'm saying! That! I! Am! A! Swordsman! I! Shouldn't! Do! Anything! Like! This!" You emphasized each words but the old man seems to be not listening and charge towards you.

He move fast that it was totally invisible to you. But thanks to your high senses of hearing, smelling and sensing you can locate but very faint. This must be the outcomes of fighting him for 3 whole daw and only take a break when its about to eat and after that he resume to attack you. Everything about you improved.

'This old man is tricky.'

You thought as all you can do is dodge and shield yourself. He then charge at you using armament haki covering his whole fist. You then dodge and counter attack covering your fist with armament haki but unfortunately he dodge and now out of sight.

"Brat! Are you telling me you're useless without your pity sword?! How disappointing!" He taunted that completely ticked you off.

You stop your tracks and started locating him. His smell, his heartbeat and his aura. You keep your focused and close your eyes and start searching for him.

Garp that saw this smirk into himself and charged towards your direction again. You let out a big sigh and dodge his attack and counter. For the first time after 3 days you finally land a hit.

You keep your cool even if you wanted to celebrate. This fight wouldn't be over unless it's about to eat. Then you only have 45 minutes maximum to counter and attack.

You focused on your surroundings and locates him again. Earlier you only have faint senses of him and only sense when he enters within you radar. However, now, you can locate from far away for a short figure of time.

You then cover your fist down to your elbow with armament haki. You observation haki improves a lot too. Using your high senses and combining it with observation haki become much stronger.

Now left the conqueror haki.

You inhaled and timing off of your attack. Garp is a tricky person. It's a battle between fist and Garp has more advantage than you. Since Garp has more experience when it comes to hand to hand combat. You also realized that Garp is right. I would be become vulnerable and useless in the battle field without my sword. So having to train yourself without it, is good. But Garp training is brutal. He doesn't care if you have experience or not, he went straight into it and attack you mercilessly.

Then he call himself a person who trained Luffy.

No wonder Luffy is careless and reckless in the battle because he has no proper teacher.

After you sense Garp location it was your turn to attack. As expected he dodge again. So you went to attack him with your eyes close and relies on your hearing, smelling and sensing you observation haki.

Activating both haki is tiring and draining you out. So as much as possible, before you plop into the floor, at least let your revenge reaches him.

You put more strength into your fist that is covered with armament haki ang attacked Garp. He shielded himself but the impact droves him far away. Garp was about to attack you but he saw your body runs out of energy and went to sleep.

"Good job, brat. Now you can beat the shit out of my grandson. Hahahaha." He laugh out loud as he swing you body into his shoulder.

"Garp-san." A member of marine approaches him. It was Bogard. Garp's right hand man.

"Oh? Bogard? What's up?" Garp asks as they continue to walk where you and Garp usually eat.

Bogard look at your direction and then Garp. He sigh as he was somewhat disappointed of Garp having you as his sparring dummy.

"The headquarters is asking for your presence. Specifically, the fleet admiral, Sengokou." Bogard said.

"Tell them I'm busy." Garp said as he place your sleeping body on the ground and cover you with his marine uniform.

'Please just go.'

"Garp-san, they said it was emergency. It was about your family again." Bogard.

'Who would have thought that this guys has family in the first. I've been asking that in my self when I found out that he and Luffy are related.'

"My family? Which?" Garp asks as if he was not interested and start picking his nose.

"Luffy, Dragon-san, and Ace." Bogard said.

"Hahaha, what chaos did they do?"

"Currently your grandson, Luffy, is trying to break into the Enies Lobby as we speak." Bogard said.

"So?" Garp asks uninterested as he pick his nose.

"How about you visit Luffy for a bit?"


'He declined so fast. What an unbothered grandpa he is.'

"It's about time to visit him, Garp-san. I also bring Coby and Helmeppo. I heard that they are close with Luffy." Bogard said as he drag Garp-san by grabbing the back of his collar.

"Wait, I'm still training Y/n so he could beat up Luffy."

"But you will meet Luffy. How about you beat him up yourself." You said.

'Just go old man. I'll die if we continue this training.'

"Oh, good idea." Garp said as Bogard keep dragging him away.

You followed them to the shore and watch them leave.

"Y/n! Better beat the shit out of Luffy when you see him. Also! I'll be sure to train you well next time we see each other."

'Please don't. I don't want to cross path with you again.'

You fake smile and wave to them.

You turn your heel and walk towards the middle of the island and gather some food. You need to depart aswell.

Luffy is in Enies Lobby. He might stay their for a bit and you don't want to go into him. You rather want the faith make you cross path to him. 

You pack a few things and head out.

Time to go to another adventure.

Let's continue the journey again, Traveler!


Wassup pips.  I'll update again later. Hopefully.

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