9 years

939 12 14

- - SUMMARY - -

... I which, the hargreeves siblings defeated the apocalypse and decided to separate to continue their lives.

- - READER'S POV - -


WAS RIDING MY BIKE in the beautiful park. Everything was so much better now that we defeated the apocalypse 9 years ago.

I miss my siblings. Especially five. I wonder what he was doing now, I hope he's been having fun with his new life.

He was my best friend, a shoulder to cry on. I love him with all my heart.

I had catched feelings for him, since we aren't actually related.

Though it felt weird.

I saw a bench, and decided to stop riding my bike, and went to take a seat.

I parked my bike, just on the tree letting it lean on it.

I could never get happier. This was a dream come true, just watching the beautiful scenery of the bright green grass, the blue sky, and listening to calming music.

I decided to lay down for a bit, and stare at the leaves of the tree above me.

That peaceful moment was disturbed when I heard a motorcycle park just next to the other bench I was laying at.

I sat up, I probably look embarrassing.

Crossing my arms, I look at the guy that was riding the motorcycle. I watched him take off his helmet and ...

Is that?..

No. That- is that five?!

"Five!? My eyes widened, shocked how I could still recognize him.

He looked around looking for the voice that called him

Until his eyes met mine.

He's so different now. His hair was slightly longer, his jaw even sharper. He looks more attractive.

"Wait... Y/n? Is that you?!" He asked, I nod.

"Oh my gosh.. you've changed!" He exclaimed "Me? Changed? Look at you!" I say walking closer to him

He chuckles "Well yeah, maybe I did change more."
"You did. You really did. Im- shocked wow!"

We talk for a few more minutes and decided to ask more questions.

"Oh uh, by the way what made you go here?" I ask "I just wanted to explore more. This place caught my eye, it looked quite peaceful. That's what I liked." He answered

"Hm. That's good. We have the exact same reason" I smile, he chuckles.

I realize we've standing here for half an hour now, so I decide to let us sir in the bench I lied in just earlier.

"So, we haven't seen each other in years. Have you ever found someone new? And not the uhm... Delores?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows curiously.

He laughed "Yeah. I just found out I was insane for being in love with a mannequin. But no, I haven't been in a real relationship yet." He smiled

"It's good to know that you've healed. I wonder how are our siblings. I miss them alot." I frown

He frowns as well "As much as I'm pretty annoyed by them, I miss them too." He looks down at his lap.

SWEET KISSES ||Aidan Gallagher imagines And Preferences||Where stories live. Discover now