Chapter 8

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Ethan's POV

I was furious at first when I didn't find the documents for this new deal, but then I got worried because this is something we all worked hard to bring to the company and now I couldn't find the most important thing to it.

I searched high and low in my office, and so did my PA but we still didn't see anything, then she told me about asking Tristan and Ava if they'd seen it.

Tristan said he didn't see it, I got more worried because if we lost this deal, it'll really not tell well on the company, so he called Ava out and told her.

I lied when I said I saw her going into my office, yes she did go into my office alone but after she left and I went inside, these papers were still there.

I just wanted to get a reaction from her and I did. As promised, Tristan handled the whole situation well, the men were ready to come back another day and sign the contracts.

I had called Uncle Tony to ask if he was home so I'd go and get the documents and he said he'd be home late in the evening because he was out now with my dad.

Later that evening, I found these said documents in the glove compartment in my car, I probably took it there myself, I decided I wouldn't go ask Uncle Tony for the extra copies again but Ava would still have to draft a new contract.

I just drove straight home with an evil thought in mind, I'd probably regret doing what I'm about to do but I just wanted to try it anyways.


It had been two weeks since the thing about the documents happened and I can tell Ava's been on edge around me.

I know what I said about her paying for what happened has been on her mind and it's just fun to watch her all nervous, even though she tries to hide it, I can still see it.

Tristan told me Aunt Anna will be leaving California today later in the evening.
Today we were having a meeting with the shareholders of our company, My dad and Uncle Tony included but dad wouldn't be able to come because he was taking Mom out on a date so Uncle Tony would fill in for him.

We needed to reconstruct some clause in the company policies, generally.

We were all in the conference room, Uncle Tony was the last to show up so immediately he came the meeting began.

We told them a few of the clause we changed and then they asked for the written ones and Ava was in charge of that.

I was already smiling inwardly because I know what I did a few hours ago before this meeting started.

She passed around the piece of paper to all four shareholder in the conference room, she was about taking her seat when Uncle Tony's voice stopped her.

I had already been looking at his face and the moment he looked at the paper I could see the confusion on it and the others too.

"Ava what is this"? He asked gesturing to the paper, of course Ava didn't know what was in it, or at least she thought she did.

"It's the clause for the new policies uncle" she said nonchalantly

"No Ava this is not the clause for the new policies, this says here 'how to be responsible" Uncle Tony said looking at the paper again and the others just nodded in agreement.

She quickly picked up the last one and read through it and I saw her eyes widened, yeah that's right, I was trying to bite back the smile on my face because this looked so hilarious.

She opened her mouth to speak but she just kept mumbling stuff she didn't even understand.

She looked at Tristan as if asking if he knew what this is but he just shook his head

"I'm sure it was the clause for the new policies" she mumbled to herself.

Uncle Tony got up "I guess you weren't prepared, we'd have to reschedule this for another time" he said and the other four got up too mumbling words and filling out of the conference room, leaving myself, Tristan, Ava and Uncle Tony.

I was trying hard to hide my smile because damn this was Soo good.

"What happened Ava"? uncle Tony asked

"Uncle I am sure I put the clause together with these other files" she explained her voice breaking like she wanted to cry.

"Mistakes happen, it's okay, just make sure to get it right next time because I might not be the one here, it may be your dad and you know how he gets if you mess up work" he said giving her a sympathetic look and she just nodded and mumbled a 'thank you'

He walked out leaving us three, I was just sitting down and relaxed on the chair.

"Ava...." Tristan tried to talk to her and she just shook her head

"Don't Tristan, don't tell me I made a mistake because I'm sure I put the damn papers correctly with the others" she said dismissing him.

"What if you did make a mistake Ava" he said gently putting his hands on her shoulders.

"I didn't" she retorted and a tear dropped from her eyes but Tristan was quick to wipe it.

"Hey, it's not something serious, don't do that now, I get it, you know I don't like it when you cry" he said swiping his thumb on her cheek cleaning the tears.

Okay I didn't expect her to cry, I mean they were just papers, and now seeing her cry only made me feel fucking guilty, maybe I shouldn't have switched the papers.

But I just wanted to have a little fun, her eyes found me in the room and she spoke up.

"Are you happy now? You got what you wanted, didn't you"? She spat at me with so much anger.

"I don't know what you're talking about Ava, I'm pretty sure you misplaced it and don't want to take the fall for it" I said to her even though that's not what happened and I feel bad saying it.

She scoffed at me "Well, congratulations you just embarrassed me in front of the board members" she seethe and walked out of the conference room.

I rolled my eyes at her dramatic attitude but deep down I was dying with guilt, I mean I didn't think it'll hurt her this much.

"Did you do it"? Tristan asked facing me

"Maybe, Maybe not" I said to him

"Ethan this is not funny, you know how serious she takes work and this kind of things always get to her" he explained seriously and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"You're taking her side now"? I raised a brow at him and he scoffed

"This is not about taking sides Ethan, I'm just being rational, she's your sister and you're just being mean to her for no reason" I hated that word soo much

"She's not my sister Tristan" I said through gritted teeth and walked out of the conference room, she's not my sister, why can't anybody understand that and just stop calling her that.

Sister don't make brothers feel what she makes me feel for her.
If she were my sister than thinking about her won't mess my brain up the way it does.

Okayyyyy, now let the games begin
Evil laughter 😁😁😁😁

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