Chapter 14

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Ava's POV

It had been a week since the coffee incident and Ethan has basically stayed away from me, making me wonder if he still even knew I existed.

He had been really cold towards me, which kind of bothered me a lot, in all my years of living and growing up with him, he had never been this cold towards me.

He has taunted me, yes
He has bullied me, yes
He has...... No don't think about that, wrong timing Ava

But he had never been this cold or distant towards me.
I didn't even know if he got to sign the contract after I spilled coffee on the one he drafted.

I was at Tristan's place the whole of today, we were planning on going to see Mom later, I hadn't seen her the whole week.

It was evening and I know Dad would probably be with Uncle Tony or out with some of his friends, but he's most likely to be with Uncle Tony.

Tristan drove us both to Mom's place and we got out the car and went inside the house.

I saw mom sitting on the couch, normally if she saw me after a long while, she's usually happy and full of energy, but today she just sat down like she didn't even see me come in.

I walked up to her and gave her a side hug but she didn't return it back.

"Hey Mom" I greeted and she just hummed, I looked at Tristan and he just shrugged.

"Hey Aunt Sage" Tristan greeted her but she barely muttered a hey back.

I sat down close to her and put my hands around her shoulder "what's wrong mom"? I asked and she just looked at me

"Ava" she called and I answered

"Would you promise to tell me the truth if I asked for it" she said and I just scrunched my brows in confusion.

"Of course mom, what is wrong? You're scaring" I say looking at Tristan.

"Tell me that isn't you" she said dropping some pictures on my laps, I took them and my eyes widened.

They were picture but not just ordinary pictures, they were sexual intended pictures, there was a naked guy on the bed with.... Me.

I was confused, I mean that looks like me but I'm sure as hell know it's not me because I don't even know the guy in the picture let alone taking such obscene pictures.

"Ava just tell me that's not you" mom whispered out but I was too shocked to even answer, because obviously the person in the picture is me but at the same time, it's not me.

"It's not me mom" I whispered out still looking at the pictures

"Then who is it"? She asked loudly.

"I don't know" Tristan had already collected the pictures and was going through them, I could also see the shock in his eyes.

"What do you think your father would say"? She asked obviously disappointed.

"Mom that is not me" I told her again "I thought you said you'd believe me if I told you the truth"? I asked my voice already shaking

"And are you"? She retorted back

"Aunt Sage, calm down, I know those pictures say a different thing but if Ava said it's not her then it's not her" Tristan spoke up and I looked at him, he believed me

"Tristan, I'm not saying I don't believe her, I'm just asking how did such pictures get to this place"? She asked.

She moved closer to me and hugged me because I was already dropping tears from my eyes

"Sweetie, you know I'd believe you anytime, anyday, I was just worried that what if it was your dad that saw it, he wouldn't have taken it lightly with you" she explained.

I already knew who sent the pictures but I couldn't tell Mom, she let go off me and wiped my tears, I stopped her

"I'm going home mom" I told her and walked away from her

"Sweetie......" She tried to speak but I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to hear her

"Mom, please, I'll be fine, I just need to go home" I told her, I turned to look at Tristan "Tris take me home"

He just nodded and bid mom goodnight before he led me out

All through the drive he didn't say anything and I was grateful for that.

Mom was right, if Dad had been the one to see those pictures, he wouldn't even give me the chance to explain, dad had a hot temper and he always acted before he asked questions.

I wonder what he would have done if those pictures had gotten to him first.

I think just like me, Tristan already knew who did it, Ethan.
He was the only one capable of doing such a thing.

He wanted revenge and he got it.
He struck the biggest blow
He won.


Ethans POV

It had been done, I spent all week planning for it.
I am supposed to be happy but I don't know why I kept getting this nagging feeling that I was going to regret it.

I know it was the part of me that had feelings for her but I turned a deaf ears to it.

She asked for it when she started this dangerous game with me.

When I came back and I warned her to stay away from me, she should have stayed away from me.

I was home relaxing but my mind just kept trying to prick me and make me feel bad, then I heard a car drive in.

Deep down I was hoping it was her, maybe she'd come to rant and yell at me for what she thinks I did.

There was a knock and I got up and opened the door, to my disappointment, it was Tristan.

"Hey man" I greeted but he didn't answer me, he just brushed past me and entered inside, okay I guess they've received my little package.

"Why'd you do it Ethan"? He asked, straight to the point

"Do what"? I tried to feign ignorance, even though I already know what he was asking about.

He rolled his eyes at "Don't fucking play games with me Ethan, I'm this close to losing my cool right now" he gritted out.

"You don't come to my house throwing threats like that" I retorted back

He scoffed at me "is that what you're gonna say? What did she ever do to anyway? Why do you hate her so much"? He asked

"Don't Tristan, just don't, I'm really not in the mood" I snapped at him.

He gave a sadistic laugh "Oh yeah, well your mom got the pictures you sent, Congratulations Ethan, you really got her good, you crossed the line this time and I doubt she'd ever forgive you for what you just did" he spat before walking out and brushing past me.

I walked over to my couch and sat down, what was he talking about?
It's not as if I leaked the pictures and they weren't even her to begin with.

He's being dramatic.

Fifteen minutes later and I still couldn't stop this guilty feeling inside me, I was restless.

His words kept ringing in my head, she'd never forgive me for what I did.

Fuck it, I took my car keys and headed out, with only destination in mind.

Ethan had crossed the line

Where do you think he's going to?

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