Chapter 13

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Ethan's POV

Today was another crazy day at work, I had totally even forgot about Ava, well not completely just the fact that I no longer wanted to do anything to her.

At least she had calmed down a bit and stopped being anxious around me.
Today I was closing a deal with an Italian investor, I had met him during my time in Seattle and we became good friends and he promised to do business with me if he ever got the opportunity to.

And today we were actually closing a deal and it was a huge one at that.
I had personally drafted the contracts and already had my signature on it, all I needed was a stamp from Ava's office.

I walked into her office and saw her sitting and busy with work, she looked up and when she saw me she went back to doing what she was doing.

She was putting on a blue skirt and a white top, the two buttons at the top were undone and she bending down like that on her desk, her cleavage was on display, she had her hair packed with the top running down her back all the way to the front.

I didn't want to start with my staring at her so I just shook my head and dropped the paper in front of her, she looked up at me and raised her brows

"I need your stamp on this" I told her not wanting to give off anything, she bent down and pulled the drawer beside her and brought out the stamp, she was doing so sluggish it actually started annoying me, I didn't have all day.

She closed the drawer and raised her hands up, but before she could get to the paper, the coffee on her table had fall off, or should I say she knocked it off and it landed right on the paper, spoiling the whole thing.

She quickly stood up and picked it up "shit I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that" she started apologizing, I couldn't even speak, I just stared wide eyed at the piece of paper

It was now brown covered in coffee and wet, there's no way he would be able to sign this and that means I won't be closing the deal today.

"What the fuck did you just do"! I barked out and she flinched.

"I'm sorry okay, I didn't know it would fall" she said still standing, the door to her office opened and Tristan walked in.

"What happened"? He asked standing beside me

"She fucking spilled coffee on the contract I wanted Mr Enzo to sign in the next 3 minutes" I seethed

"It was an accident" she yelled and I just glared at her

"Don't give me that crap Ava, it was no accident, you did this on purpose" I gritted out and her eyes widened

"No I didn't, Ethan it was an accident, you saw it"
She said looking at me as if asking me to confirm I saw an accident, but I know it was no accident, she wanted to get back at me for the pool incident or whatever sick game she's playing.

"Chill man, if she said she didn't do it on purpose then she didn't, why would she want to do something like that on purpose" he said putting his hands on my shoulder but I brushed it off.

"I know you'll always come to her rescue, she fucking ruined the contract" I barked out and turned to look at her "I already said I wasn't going to do anything to you, you didn't have to do this to prove a point" I told her angrily.

"Ethan stop this, I'm sure it was an accident" Tristan said calmly

"I know what I fucking saw, it was no accident but if you want to believe it was then fine, suit yourself" I told him before storming out of her office.

I had already sworn off doing anything to her but with this, I was going to make her pay.
She had already done one before, but this was just out of it.

Now I had to go and convince this man about rescheduling, he probably might not agree but I had to try

Ava had really crossed the line with me, messing with my work not once but twice.


Ava's POV

I was still having cramps from my period, but I had to come to work regardless, I tried to as productive as I could but it was hard because I felt like I was being stabbed with a bunch of knives.

Tristan told me to stay home but I declined and still came, I didn't want to slack off simply because I was a Walker.

It was just cramps and it couldn't be that bad, but it was bad.

When Ethan came for my stamp, I had just finished throwing up, yes that's how bad my period gets, it makes me nauseous and weak.

I really didn't mean to knock over the cup of coffee but I didn't even see it until it was all over the place and then he had to make a big deal out of it

I was already having an impounding headache, and he had to go and make it worse with his stupid assumption.

I was currently still standing in the office with Tristan, he had just walked out angrily leaving us both here

"Tristan, it was an accident, I didn't mean to spill coffee on it" I explained to him

"I know sweet cheeks, Ethan's just overacting, it's been a crazy week" he said walking over to me and taking the paper

"Hope you didn't hurt yourself"? he asked and I just shook my head. I felt a sharp pain on my stomach and grimaced, I still had that to deal with.

"Are you good"? He asked observing my face and I nodded

"I'm fine Tris" I bit out sitting down and using a wipe to clean the remaining coffee that had spilled on the table.

"If it gets too much, you can go home Ava" he said pulling me so I'm relaxed on his lower body.

"I'm fine, really" I tell him and he just hummed and kissed the crown of my head.

I was still thinking about Ethan's reaction to the little accident that happened a few minutes ago.

He really thought I did it intentionally?
Yes I didn't like that we were playing a cat and mouse game but I'd never put his work at risk like that, I know where to draw the line.

I could do anything to him personally but when it came to work, the whole Walker name was at stake and I'd never put that at risk for any form of revenge.

What do you think he will do now?

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