Ch:8 Moon meets the Sun. Part III

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Tsuki Saki POV

"Someone send a messenger bird to me and it told me where she may be," "It told me she is at an abandoned shrine near the edge of Tokyo" I remembered what the holder had told me as I naered the location.

I saw it the supposed shrine or it's entrance/torii at least...

I entered it a bit creeped out by the entire atmosphere of the place

The shrine was overgrow with moss and had a lot of ineffective paper seals supposedly set up to make sure no one gets in probably

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The shrine was overgrow with moss and had a lot of ineffective paper seals supposedly set up to make sure no one gets in probably. The entire shrine was covered with darkness due too the thick canopy of leaves overhead which barely let any light excape.

It seemed as though not a single soul has been here for atleast a hundred years.....

"Ahh what kind of person would keep a girl in here." I said too myself. Hopefully no one's here, no I do hope someones here so I can catch them. I really hope that she is alright, I don't want the same thing that happened to her mother.

Let me not dwell on that memory....

I looked around the shrine grounds looking for her which was difficult due to the shade surrounding the entirety of the forest.

I should have brought a flashlight with me. Oh the seals I can use that..

I ripped off one of the seals on the wall and touched it with my celestial, it turned into a ball of light or a will' o wisp  it was a simple spell which I could do without fully transforming or doing a chant.

It followed me as I moved aroud the grounds. It seemed to go on forever never ending..

I finally found a room covered with seals closed shut almost impossible to open if you didn't know how to cast spells ofcourse. Though it even took me a while too open it.

And when I got throught the sealed door..

There she was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room sound asleep with a seal on her forehead. She really did look like her mother if I remebered her right the same mark, hair and eyeshape.

I.. don't know what to do anymore...

I don't know what to do...

I stand there looking at her. So innocently sleeping, unaware of what happened oblivous, ditzy, ever so unware of everything, if anything were to happen to her or her loved ones she wouldn't know....

I what am I thinking I should just break the seal.

I walked up closer to her her face being inches away from mine. I looked at the seal on her forehead. Something was written on it.

Oh no...

The seal I remembered was one my mother told me about when I was still in training to be a celestial holder. My mother told me that the seal could only be broken the person under the spell should experince extreme shock so either extreme pain or something shocking like a first kiss or something else.

I didn't want to break her arm or anything neither did I want to kiss her or anything unconstentual..

"Umm so I just have too weigh my options" I said internally embarresed I mean...

We should get out of this place first. I retraced my steps, carrying  Hina-san with me and finally got out of that place and when I exited I realized it was only noon that place really freaked me out.

And then I finally I decided...

I was gonna break her arm

I don't even know anymore...


The next chap will be the last in this series 

E Bye hoped u enjoyed it.

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