Ch:15 The sun rises

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Hina Momotori Pov

"Momo-chan your so cute when you eat, but don't make a mess ok." my mother said picking up a hanky to wipe younger me's face.

In response younger me just smiled and nodded her head trying but failing not make a mess of her food.

"The food can't be good, why are you crying?" I heard a voice say in a monotone voice wwith a hint of concern, it was Tsuki-senpai.

I hadn't even realised it but I had been crying and tears were all over my face and the table beneath me.

"Oh" I said emptly, I was just so confused why was this even happening 

"Alright now be quick we have to go." he said leaving to put his and his sisters plate in the sink.

"Ah ok." I said trying to cheer up a bit 

I quickly finshed up my food. And was about to leave. Tsuki-senpai had changed while I was eating and he looked much more put together. 

At least he was not in pajamas, he wore a black turtle neck with a lavendar coat that complimented his eyes and some gray sweatpants. 

I had noticed his hair was longer than the last time I saw him or maybe I just didn't notice.

We soon left to the area Angel-san wanted us to be at.

I pure white in the corner of my eyes.

"Ello Momo and Saki-chan." I heard from behind me.

Tsuki-senpai sighed and Angel-san giggled then spoke aloud

"Well are you ready for today's training Momo-chan?" she asked me bending down to my level.

"Yeah, what do I have to do?" I asked innocently not knowing 

"Survive." she said and quickly disappeared and reappeared on top of a tree.

"Go all out Saki-chan don't hold back!" she screamed from the top.

What was gonna happen to me. I had no idea what was gonna happen now.

"If I don't go easy on her she'll die." Tsuki-senpai answered in response

Wait am I about to die 

No I can't die right now I have so much to live for I haven't even gone to Mt. Fuji yet (One of the things on Momo's bucket list)

These thoughts came to my head as I internally panicked though I stood still as a rock.

The panic probably showed on my face as soon Angel-san backtracted remembering that I was a new to be celestial holder.

"Ahh just kidding go easy on her please." she said to Tsuki-senpai rubbing the back of her head after she realised her mistake.

"So, what is this training about?" I asked still unsure about the training method she was gonna use.

Was she gonna make me lift 10,000 kg or make me run a 100 miles in one hour or something even worse. Of course I didn't want to do many of the things I thought of but the suspense was killing me.

"Oh yeah I tend to forget details, you will be having a dualwith Saki-chan." she said calmly but I was quite the opposite.

"Wait what why huh?" I said aloud without intending to 

I was just so confused as to why was I supposed to fight wait what does a celestial holder even have to do in the first place.

"Oh looks like your confused don't worry this is just to awake your celestial powers." she said reading me like an open book.

"Wait does that mean I have to have a near death experience?" I said (surprisingly) smartly

"Yea exactly." Angel-san said and pointed Tsuki-senpai.

The air suddenly became frezeeing cold so cold in fact that it make me shiver and before I knew it I couldn't move my consicousness was slowly fading.

No what was happening  I couldn't see or hear all I could sense was the cold.

What is even happening I could fell my lungs shrink.

'I need warmth.' I thought to myself.

Is this it is this were it all ends ..

I had a lot of things left to do I don't wanna die I don't wanna die.

I couldn't cry, I couldn't move, I couldn't even think anymore.

But just as sudden as the cold took over me

Warmth did as well

It was like the sun had rose after a long cold winter night.

I could move now and opened my eyes and I was there exactly were I was before

"What happened." I asked Tsuki-senpai and Angel-san.

Angel-san jumped out of the tree and hugged me. Though Tsuki-senpai just stood there quietly.

"You did it Momo-chan you got your celestial powers." Angel-san said smiling after letting go of me.

"Wait-t I di-id-d" I questioned still shaken and shivering from the cold.

I felt someone put a coat over me and it was Tsuki-senpai's. Well that was actually very nice of him I felt a bit 

Angel-san then answered me "Well you needed that near death experience to kick start your celestial powers and you did it." she sounded so happy for me it melted my heart

"Well what happened why could I not move or see or hear anything?" I questioned 

"Uhh..." Angel-san uttered not a word.

"Well we froze you more specifically Saki-chan." Angel-san said after a minute of silence

"Oh he froze me alive,Wait what!" I said aloud


Yes this is where I am ending it lol hope you liked this chap


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