Ch 17 New friends will come

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Hina Momotori Pov

It was the week before the day came the celestial summit.

Or at least I think so...

The weekend was soon over and the school week started.

It was a drag really. School was really boring but at least I finally started understanding stuff.


I sighed to myself it was finally last period.

"Hey Momo-chan." I heard from beside me 

"Oh hey Minori-san" I said looking at her a bit surprised at her sudden apperance she looked at me smiling a bit and said

"Well, umm you haven't really made any friends yet and umm..." she pauses,

Now that I thought about it I hadn't really talked to anyone in the class except her..

"Oh, yeah I actually never noticed that.." I said kinda embarrased, well it was not like I ever had friends..

She seemed a bit concerned but smiles at me

"Well, would you like to come over for a sleepover at my place?" she said which suprised me but I was also very excited

"What a sleepover I have never been to one! What are we gonna do there? Will there be other other people there? Oh wait ofcourse there will be. When do I have to come? Where even is your house?" I asked question after question because I was way too excited which overwhelmed her.

She paused before answering my questions

"Well, umm well we are gonna play games, watch movies and stuff like that." she answered my first question 

"Well that sounds really fun!~" I exclaimed with a big and happy grin on my face

"Oh it will be!~" she said trying to match my excitement

"Well I'll text you the rest of the details." she said smiling

"Oh well how many people will be there?" I asked her tilting my head as I showed her my phone so she could note down my number... because she had left her phone at home..

"Hmm~ well I have somethings to do right now but I'll text you as soon as I get home ok" shesaid before starting to pack up her things to leave

"Well, bye" I said to her as she was leaving and started packing up my own things before leaving to meet my sister at the entrance of the school

"What took you so long?!" my sister said annoyed as I made her wait she doesn't like waiting one bit.

"Oh sorry one of my classmates asked me if I wanted to come to a sleepover.~" I said still happy from the news

"Oh wait what? Who was that? I better not be a boy!" she says curious but still a bit angry.

"No no no it's not a boy! It's Minori-san she asked me to come over so she could introduce me to some people" I said a little embarresed both about the fact that my sister thought I was going to a boy's house and also about the fact that I still hadn't made many friends...

"Wait you haven't made any friends yet?" my sister said sounding very concerned

"Umm well yes..." I said a bit sad at this fact

"Oh well have fun Momo I am glad that you'll finally make friends.~" my sister said in a comforting tone which made me smile

"Well put on your scarf we have to go!" she said hurridly putting on her scarf

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