Chapter 53

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Nathaniel's POV

I was still shaking halfway home. I kept tripping in my own feet, my mind too busy with recollections of what had happened to process even such a simple task as walking.

What would Irene do now?

Would she tell anyone about what she saw?

How would people react?

Would it make her feel any better if she told on us?

Could I fix things between her and me?

Would she give me a chance to explain?

I shook my head and groaned when I tripped again, pain shooting from my toes up my leg.

God, how could I get these questions out of my mind?

Behind me, Val and Hunt walked in silence, giving me time to come to grips with the Irene-related predicament. I appreciated their gesture, but even though the lack of conversation made things easier for me, I still felt as if my head would explode. I rubbed my temples; I could literally feel my pulse throbbing in my forehead.

"Nat." My sister's touch on me was as hesitant as her voice. I jerked my shoulder and her arm fell.

"I'll see you at home," I told the two as I sped up. "I need to be on my own now."

They didn't say anything as I separated from them.

I almost ran home. I needed to move, I needed to think, I needed... I wasn't sure what I needed.

To call Irene?

Yes, a conversation with her could ease my worries... or magnify them.

I opened the front door and dropped my book bag on the floor of the hallway before I made my way towards the stairs.

"Hello, Nathaniel, sweetie." My mother popped her head out of the kitchen and looked around. "Where's your sister?"

"She's walking with Hunter; she'll be here soon," I replied without a greeting or pausing to face her. My foot was on the first step when she spoke again.

"Is anything wrong, Nathaniel, sweetie?"

"I'm fine." I kept moving up.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" He voice sounded closer; she was following me.

"Yes, mom, I'm sure." It was hard to keep the irritation out of my voice. The last thing I needed now was for my parent to keep poking her nose in my business, ending each of her sentences with 'sweetie'. Didn't she realize how annoying that was?

"I don't like your tone, young man."

At least she didn't call me 'young sweetie'.

I was one footfall away from the landing.

"Nathaniel, turn around and talk to me."

I took a deep breath and did as she commanded. She was a couple of steps below me, her hands on her hips.

"Honestly, Nathaniel, this is the kind of behavior I'd expect from your sister, not..."

"... From your perfect son," I finished for her. "I'm not perfect, mom, and I have things to deal with. Irene, for example. I have to solve my problems with her."

"You call that a problem? A girl?" She laughed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I work hard to keep this house clean, to cook meals for you, your sister and your father, to make connections with our neighbors and build our image in society, but does anyone give me any credit for that?"

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