Chapter 19

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A/N: Does anyone know any Spanish dishes? I’ll need a few for the next chapter.




Nathaniel’s POV

“You have trash on your desk?” My twin asked incredulous, knowing how much of a cleanfreak I was.

“What? Where?” She pointed to a small rectangular object; it was the wrapper from the lollypop Hunt had brought me. “Oh, that… I’ll throw it out later.”

She shrugged just as our mom’s raised voice came from downstairs:

“Kids, if you don’t hurry, you’d be late for school.” It was supposed to rain today so she’d offered to drive us there.

“We wouldn’t that now, would we?” Val sneered and left my room to get her backpack.

I picked up the wrapper and reread the inscription “JBJ’s Two-taste combo”. The lollypop itself had been half white, tasting like milk, and half red, tasting like strawberries. But the best part was the surprise in the middle: a juicy filling with a strawberry jam taste to it.


I wondered how Hunter had found out that they were my favorite. Or was it just a coincidence?

He’d promised he’d give me a special lollypop so maybe he did know. I was sure I had not seen this brand in our local store but then again I couldn’t imagine Hunter crusading through town for an exceptionally good treat just for me. Then again he had left the party earlier that Saturday so he could come and bring me the painkillers and the lollypop…

I was making too big of a deal of it; it had been just a lollypop and now it was just a wrapper and I should throw it away.

“You ready, bro?” Val banged on my door.

“Yeah,” I replied, reaching down to get my messenger bag. I slung it over my shoulder then opened the sliding drawer of my desk. I put the wrapper next to my diary.


“We’ve arrived,” mom chirped, shutting off the engine. “Oh, and look who is already waiting for you, Nathaniel!”

I turned my gaze away from the strap of the messenger’s bag which I’d fiddled with during the journey and prepared myself for a rendezvous with a pair of grey eyes; grey with little specks of green as I’d realized the last time he was in my room so close to me that I blushed at the memory. Instead I was met by a pair of dark brown ones.

“Hey,” Irene greeted when I stepped out of the car.

“Hey,” I saluted back, greatly relieved, but also slightly disappointed. I’d barely seen Hunter after Irene and I started dating a week ago; a week, if you count our first date and not from the day she’d asked me to the dance.

“Hi, Mrs. Reed,” she then waived at my mother.

“I told you, sweetie, that Lydia would do,” mom insisted with a smile. “Now you kids go and have fun at school… Except for you, Vallery; I know what your idea of fun is.”

“It’s not like I’ll set the school on fire and hang a teacher upside-down through a window,” she shot back, walking away from the car. “Maybe Matthew, but not a teacher,” she then murmured but even if she had spoken louder, our parent would not have heard her; she had already brought the engine to life and was driving away.

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