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A/N: If you are re-reading this story and can't remember this Epilogue - that's because it's new. I wasn't happy with the previous ending - Chapter 58 - so I added this part at the end of 2019.


Nathaniel's POV

Boxes, boxes, and more boxes... A whole mountain of them stretched before my gaze.

This cardboard fortress containing our belongings was at the center of the living room of my Norville childhood house. Having just arrived, it was easier to gather everything here before moving each box to its designated spot - in the kitchen, in my room, in Val's... In our parents'.

Mom wasn't here.

She'd already been admitted into the clinic along with some of her possessions, but we'd be bringing her more once we'd unpacked. We'd take them ourselves even though...

I sighed and leaned sideways against the doorframe.

Even though it's so difficult to see her in that place.

My mom didn't want to be in that clinic.

But she wanted to get better... The part of her that acknowledged her problem wanted that anyway.

She'd spend so many years pretending that everything was alright that she'd automatically put on a smile and adopt a happy, carefree inflection when she saw us. An inflection that now struck me as fake...

How had I not noticed before how fake it was?

What kind of a son wouldn't realize his own mom had been suffering to the point where she'd needed to put a bunch of chemicals into her bloodstream just so she could get on with her day?

A lousy, useless son...

"Hey." A gentle greeting, then a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind. "You okay?"

I closed my eyes and leaned into Hunter's embrace.

Just say you want me and I'll come with you.

I'd said yes.

How could I'd done anything but?

And now my boyfriend was helping me move into my new home and taking the opportunity to look around town for a place of his own.

Hunter placed a soft kiss on top of my head and repeated:

"Are you okay?"

"Worried about mom," I quietly admitted without opening my eyes. "Worried about us," I added.

"You don't have to worry about us." His voice was soft. "You got me."

"I know." I opened my eyes and turned into his arms to look up at him. "I know. It's just difficult with dad and... Mom."

My mother still didn't know about Hunt and me; we'd all agreed we'd tell her once she was more stable.

As for my dad... He had a hard time trying to accept it and I couldn't shake the feeling he was hoping that Hunt wouldn't be able to find an apartment here, that we'd realize our relationship had been just a passing thing and break up.

Then we wouldn't have to tell mom at all.

A frown had appeared on my boyfriend's face at the mention of my dad and he puffed a long breath.

"We'll figure it out," he said, his voice steady, and then he pecked me on the forehead.

I opened my mouth to tell him I envied his confidence but was interrupted by the appearance of my sister. She dashed into the hallway, then past us and into the living room, all the while laughing like a person possessed. Our childhood friend - and now neighbor again - Raiden followed her inside, but at a normal pace, shaking his head while a smile played on his lips.

I sighed and pulled away from Hunt to face my sister.

"Vallery, what did you do?"

"Nothing. I'm innocent; innocent I tell you!" Her voice was jovial and high and she was grinning like a madwoman.

"Did she prank your brother again?" I turned to Raiden.


"Snitch." Val stuck out her tongue at our red-haired friend, but she didn't seem even a tad upset.

"So what did you do?" I returned my attention back to my sister.

"You'll find out later. Probably from dad shouting at me how I'm not supposed to be doing such things."

Hunt chuckled.

"Don't encourage her," I pleaded with him before rubbing my temples. We'd only been here for a couple of hours and Val was already getting into trouble.

Typical of her.

So irresponsible... Yet strangely comforting.

We'd lived in this house before, but our circumstances had been different. Val and I had been children, mom had not yet developed her addiction, I had not had to worry how people would react to my sexuality...

So many things had changed, but Val had not.

And as much as her behavior would surely put some premature grey in my hair, right now, when we were on the verge of something new, I'd gladly cling to the familiarity she offered.

Who knew: maybe I'd even laugh or at least smile at whatever she'd done to Liam while simultaneously feeling sorry for him; the poor guy had been Val's favorite target since the day we'd met him. As for Raiden: he'd had no problem allying with my sister against his older sibling, but he seemed more mature now and less likely to engage in silly pranks.

One more change, I thought as I watched him and my sister bicker over who deserved to eat the last cupcake Raiden's mom had brought over. But not a big one.

Hunt snaked his arms around my torso, putting us in our previous position, and buried his face into my hair, his thumbs lightly stroking my arms. I closed my eyes once more, leaning into the warmth he provided, losing myself in his soothing presence in a way I had never lost myself into anyone else before.

Changes aren't always a bad thing, I thought with a smile. Even if they are big changes.

A/N: Drop me a comment to let me know what you think of the new ending. Also, please support the chapter with a VOTE if you enjoyed it!

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