A Trip To The Beach

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Song of the chapter: Laughing At The Floor by Penguin Prison

Noiz's POV

"Do we have to?" I groaned. (Y/n) wanted to go to the beach with Aoba and the others, but I wanted to have her all to myself this weekend.

"Yes. It will be fun. Besides, summer doesn't last forever. You have to savor every moment." She explained. I watched her as she put sunscreen, water, inflatable beach balls, and snacks into a travel bag. "You know why I think you don't want us to go?" A smirk appeared on her face. "Because you're jealous." I didn't know what to say to that. It was true that I didn't want Koujaku's grubby hands all over (y/n), but that's because I didn't like him. Or maybe it was a little jealousy.

"I'm not jealous," I muttered. "What are we even going to do at the beach?" I asked. "A lot of things. We can play volleyball or go swimming. We can also build sand castles and collect sea shells." She answered, picking up a deflated tire floaty and putting it in with the other things. I put my feet up on the coffee table and watched as she packed the rest of the floaties. "But all those things are boring." I mumbled.

"What? I thought for sure that you would be looking forward to swimming with me." She sounded disappointed. "I even bought a new swim suit." I sighed. She knew I couldn't say no to her. I was going to have to go on this stupid trip. "Okay; I'll go, but only because I love you more than I hate going to the beach." She ran over and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She squealed, showering my face with kisses. Eventually, she let go and continued to pack for the trip.

"You need any help?" I asked. "Yeah, can you look through my stuff and find my hat? It's the one with a purple ribbon on it." She replied. I usually didn't go through her stuff; mostly because there was nothing there that I needed. I didn't even know where she keeps her hats. After poking around a bit, I found a pastel colored swim suit, in her dresser, with a tag still attached. I expected it to be a one piece that covered as much skin as possible, but I was off by a long shot. It would show more skin of hers than I had ever seen. Blushing, I put it back where I found it and continued my search for the hat.

After a while, I found the hat and gave it to her. My imagination was still going wild from seeing (y/n)'s new bathing suit. Maybe I was actually going to enjoy this trip...

(Y/n)'s POV

You got up early the next morning to make sure you didn't forget to bring anything. By the time you were ready to go, you noticed that it was unusually quiet. You gasped, "Noiz!" You had forgotten to wake him up. Amu was going to be here any minute now, and Noiz wasn't even dressed. You ran into Noiz's room but he wasn't in there. You frantically began looking for him.

"(Y/n)-chan, what's wrong?" Strong arms encircled your waist. "I thought I forgot to wake you up." You said, relieved. "You didn't wake me up. I set an alarm so that I wouldn't accidentally sleep in." You couldn't believe that he was being responsible for once. Most of the time, you had to remind him to brush his teeth before going to bed.

"Are you that surprised that I'm being responsible?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I actually am." You said, laughing. "Is that so?" He murmured into your hair. He was wearing an aloha shirt and khaki shorts, which he looked very good in. Soon after, you got a text on your coil that was from Amu, saying that she was here to pick you up.

Amu had already picked up Koujaku and Mizuki, so you were now on your way to the beach. Aoba, Clear, and Ren were carpooling together and we would meet them there.

You were in the passenger seat and the guys were in the back. Unfortunately, Noiz was behind you and would occasionally poke your neck, which was driving you insane. "For the last time, Noiz, stop touching me!" He had just smirked and put his hands in his lap, looking out the window. "Are we going to have to hear their bickering for the rest of the drive?" Koujaku asked, obviously annoyed with you two.

"Stop complaining, old man." Noiz said, dryly. "I am not old!" Koujaku looked like he wanted to push Noiz out of the car. Mizuki, who was sitting in between them, had his eyes closed; obviously trying to ignore the heated argument that was brewing between Noiz and Koujaku.

"Can all of you just stop talking? We're almost there, it would be a shame if I had to turn the car around now." Amu warned. After that, everyone sat in silence, until you could finally see the beach. It was beautiful. The crystal clear water hitting the sand in tiny waves made you anxious to get out of the car and into the ocean. Surprisingly, Amu found a parking spot that was fairly close and began taking things out of the car.

"(Y/n)-san! You made it!" You turned and saw Clear running towards you, along with Aoba and Ren. "We were just about to start playing some volleyball. Do you want to join us?" Aoba asked.

"Of course!" You and Amu said, simultaneously; running off with the boys. "Wait up!" Yelled Mizuki and Koujaku, leaving Noiz to unload the rest of the stuff.

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