The Beach

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Song of the chapter: Wasted by Tiësto (feat. Matthew Koma) | Ummet Ozcan Remix

Noiz's POV

I watched (y/n) play volleyball with the others. She, Mizuki, and Amu were winning by about five points. She had wanted me to play too but I waved her off and said that if I did it would make the teams uneven because Ren had wandered off to buy souvenirs. I now sat in the shade of the orange umbrella (y/n) had packed, wishing that she would get tired of volleyball and want to swim; preferably with me.

After a while, I felt the presence of someone beside to me. I looked over and saw that it was Mink. "Oi, Mink." I greeted. He didn't answer, not that I cared. Eventually, Aoba noticed that he was here and insisted that he played on their team.

"Come on, just this one time?" Aoba pleaded. Mink sighed and agreed to play, which meant that I had to play too. Tch.

Mizuki served the ball and Koujaku easily hit it back over the net and it landed in the sand, scoring a point. He looked over at me and smirked, "How about we make this a little more interesting. Whoever loses has to buy the winning team dinner." (Y/n) stepped up to Koujaku, "You're on."

(Y/n)'s POV

The warm sand tickled your toes as you passed the ball to Noiz. He was a lot better at volleyball than you thought he would be. He could easily hit the ball over the net from any part of the court and he had a better overhand serve than you did. I wonder where he learned to play, you thought. You were going to have to ask him later.

Soon, you were tied with Aoba's team; both of you had twenty-nine points. The team that scored next would win the game. Clear spiked the ball, but Amu was expecting it and was able to pass it to Mizuki and he catapulted it into the other side of the court. It would've hit the ground, but Mink managed hit it back over the net. You ran to get the ball and set it to Noiz and he launched it over the net; resulting in a kill. You, Mizuki, and Amu all hugged each other. "We won! Now they have to buy us dinner!" Amu cheered. "Let's celebrate by swimming together!" You said.

As soon as Noiz heard that, he ran over and wrapped his arms around you. "Noiz! What are you doing!?!" He picked you up and carried you towards the ocean. You noticed that he had changed into swim shorts that had the Usagimodoki pattern on them. "Let go! I don't want my clothes to get wet!" You said as you squirmed out of his arms. He sighed. "Hurry up and get changed." He said, running off into the ocean with the others.

I wonder what Noiz will think of this bathing suit, you thought. After all, it was kind of... revealing. Well, there's nothing I can do about it now, you thought as you approached the ocean. You grabbed one of the tire floaties before heading into the water. For some reason, you loved swimming with them and you refused to go into any body of water without one. The ocean was warm and relaxing. You closed your eyes, enjoying the way the water felt on your body.

"(Y/n)-chan," Noiz was beside you, twirling a lock of your hair around his finger. "Why are you using a floaty?" His eyes met yours. "Because I feel like it." You answered. Without warning, Noiz pulled you away from the pool toy and into his arms. "What is it with you and carrying me?!?" You asked, crawling back into the floaty. He didn't answer; it seemed as if he was too preoccupied concentrating on something.

After about a minute of awkward silence, he ducked under the water and managed to get into the tube with you, though it was a very tight fit. "There's not enough room for you in here." You stated. Your chest was compacted against his; you could even feel his belly button piercing. "I really don't care." He kissed you, affectionately, and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I love you." You murmured. "Ich liebe dich auch." He replied. Realizing what it meant, you wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed him deeply.

"Mhm... (y/n)-chan.." He ran his hand through his drenched, blonde locks; pushing them off his forehead. "Yes?" You answered. "Why did you buy this swim suit?" You were surprised by his question. "Because I thought you would like it." You looked away; unable to meet his gaze. He saw how uncomfortable you were and pulled you into a tight embrace. "It looks beautiful on you." Relieved that he liked it, you kissed his cheek. "You're absolutely the most kawaii person I've ever met." You said, giggling. "I'm the only kawaii person you've ever met." He smiled, pulling you into yet another passionate kiss.

"We should head back to shore. The others are probably building sand castles without us." You said, squirming out of the floaty and beginning to swim in the direction of the beach.


You had decided to eat dinner at a well known beachside restaurant. After you had ordered and when you were waiting for your food, they were all talking about how much they enjoyed the trip. Even Mink agreed that doing it again wouldn't be a bad idea. "I also think we should do it again!" Clear said, "Maybe I will get to see a jellyfish next time!"

You smiled. It was one of the very few times they all got along with each other. "But the jellyfish could sting you!" Aoba commented. "It won't hurt me if I'm gentle." Clear was determined to get close to a jellyfish and not even Aoba's warnings could stop him. Eventually, your food came and you were happy that everyone was enjoying themselves. Even the boys who had to pay were jubilant and carefree.

You held hands with Noiz as you walked passed the many souvenir shops and restaurants. It was after dinner and you were walking back to the car. "Today was perfect. I don't think anything could ruin it." You said, seeing that the place that you parked the car was just around the corner. "Maybe next time we can just float around in the water and make out." He suggested. "Why would we-" You stopped when you saw Amu, Mizuki, and Koujaku tied up and gagged on the ground next to the car. But that wasn't the only reason you were surprised; leaning against the Prius was Virus and Trip.

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