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Song of your POV: Love by Daughter

(Y/n)'s POV

You slowed down as you approached the Ruff Rabbits HQ. You knew it was because it had the Ruff Rabbits logo spray-painted all over the building. I wonder how Noiz got a place so big without the police coming to shut it down, you thought as you tried to catch your breath.

"(Y/n)." Noiz put a hand on your shoulder and turned you so that you were facing him. "Promise me you'll behave when we get in there. I don't want you to do anything or say anything. Understand?" It looked like he was being serious, so you just nodded and began walking towards the entrance.

As soon as you opened the door, a girl launched herself into your arms, making both of you fall to the ground. "Wait a second! You're not Noiz-kun!" She said, getting off of you and tackling Noiz instead. That's when you noticed that she was wearing almost the exact same clothes as him; she even had a matching hat and buttons. "Noiz-kun! Come here, it's important." She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. You got up and followed them, curious to know what this extremely rude girl had to show to Noiz.

The warehouse looked even bigger on the inside. There was desks and beanbag chairs scattered about, along with multiple holographic screens and laptops. The girl led Noiz to a back room and locked the door, making it so that you couldn't listen to their conversation. You sighed and sat down on one of the nearby beanbags, wishing you had brought something to entertain yourself. That's when you heard a few Ruff Rabbits members talking about Noiz and the girl who went into the other room with him.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" One of them asked. "It's kinda obvious. They're having fun." Another said, wiggling their eyebrows. The people around him began to laugh. They continued to make theories about what was going on in the other room and it was driving you crazy. Eventually you couldn't take it anymore and turned around to talk some sense into the group of people. "Noiz would never do anything like that. If you think he is, then you're sorely mistaken." You stated, not doubting the truth of your words.

"And who might you be, darling?" A boy with long green hair asked you. "First of all, I'm not your darling. Second of all, I'm (y/n); Noiz's girlfriend." All of them stared at you like you had grown another head. "Are you sure?" The green haired boy asked, after a moment of awkward silence. "What do you mean 'are you sure'? We've been dating for over three months." They all gaped at you in disbelief. "Why is that so surprising?" You were completely and utterly confused. "Oh, um, nothing really. We just thought that Noiz didn't like anyone." A girl with bright green lipstick stuttered. The others murmured in agreement. You knew they weren't telling you everything, but before you could question them, Noiz and the girl walked out of the other room.

He didn't say anything to anyone as he made his way over to one of the holographic laptops that was floating over the desk farthest from everyone. You got up to sit next to him, but the rude girl had beaten you to it. She was currently sitting in Noiz's lap and was whispering who knows what into his ear. You felt a sharp pang of jealousy. Why doesn't Noiz let me sit in his lap, you thought.

The girl looked up as you approached the desk. "Ugh. Not her again." She scoffed. Noiz's eyes met yours for a split second before going back to the computer screen. You sat down in the chair to the left of him, glaring daggers at the girl.

"Noiz-kun, why does she have to sit next to us? Can't you tell her to move somewhere else?" She asked. "I don't think I can, Akemi-chan. You're going to have to deal with it." He stated in a monotonous voice. "I can hear everything you're saying, you know." You muttered, annoyed that they were talking about you like you weren't there. "(Y/n)." His voice was laced with warning. You pouted, but kept quiet and put your head down on the table.

"So, do you want to come over to my house after this, Noiz-kun? I bought a bunch of new outfits that I think you would like." You tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but the fact that everything Akemi said sounded suggestive made you have to listen in.

"I can't." Noiz said, not really paying attention to the her. "Why not? Is it because you're hanging out with her?" She sent a glare in your direction. "Why are you with her, anyway? I thought you only loved me." Akemi moved so that she was straddling Noiz's lap. "He definitely does not love you. If anything, he loves me!" You argued.

"What are you talking about? Noiz is my boyfriend!" She said as she got up. You stood also, getting ready to fight her, if needed. "That's a lie! You're just jealous that Noiz likes me more than you." You declared. "If he loves you so much then why does he sleep in my bed almost every night?" She smirked when she saw your hurt expression. Most nights, Noiz wasn't with you, but you thought that was because he was selling Rhyme information. The thought of him cheating had never crossed your mind.

"Noiz... I-is that true?" You asked, on the verge of tears. He didn't answer and continued to stare at the floor. "Noiz! You've been cheating on me this whole time?!" You stood in front of him so that he had to look at you.

"I don't know." His face conveyed no emotion; as did his words. Your heart shattered like glass. Tears began to cascade down your cheeks as you turned to leave, knowing that you would only get more hurt if you stayed. "(Y/n)." Noiz said, grabbing your arm. "Don't touch me." You snapped, yanking your arm from his grip.

Song of Noiz's POV: Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls

Noiz's POV

I had just lost the one thing that mattered most to me.

For the first time in years, I actually felt like crying. As soon as I finished work, I hurried back to my apartment so I could be alone. Usagimodoki greeted me when I walked in, but I ignored it and collapsed on my bed. "Noiz-san, is there something wrong?" It asked, landing on my bedside table. "What do you think?" I said, facing the other direction. "Is this about (y/n)-san? Because she came back here about an hour ago and it looked like she took all her stuff when she left." I sat up when I heard that.

"Even the necklace?" I asked, hoping she, at least, left the gift she had gotten me for my birthday. "Yes, she took that too." I sighed and crawled back under the sheets.

She's never going to forgive me, I thought as I fell into a restless, heartbreak induced slumber.

(Don't forget to comment and stuff! -PriusTesla)

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