Double Trouble

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Song of the chapter: Put It Off by Pulse Ultra

(Y/n)'s POV

You felt the urge to run. Run far away and not look back, but that would mean leaving Mizuki, Koujaku, and Amu with Virus and Trip. And that's something you could never forgive yourself for because you knew what they would do to your friends to get you to give them what they want.

"This is obviously about something more than you wanting to have control over Venom." Noiz stated. "Tell me the real reason." His face was emotionless. It didn't look like he was surprised to see them here or afraid that they were going to hurt you and your friends. If anything, he looked kind of bored.

"I'm glad that you asked." Virus said with a smile that sent chills down your spine. "We've noticed that the last few weeks have been extremely dull and we're hoping that she could ease our boredom." You couldn't believe what they had said. Taking a few steps back, you responded, "I'm not going to ease anything! And I won't let you take Venom, either!" You were scared but you tried not to let it show; if they saw your fear they would use it to their advantage.

"That's a shame. I guess we'll just have to convince you to be with us." Trip said, walking over to your friends. He pulled out a knife and held it close to Mizuki's neck. "No! Stop, please!" You yelled, frantically. "Only if you come with us. Then we'll let your friends go." Trip declared. You had to go. If you didn't, then the people that you loved would die. You couldn't allow that to happen.

Noiz must have known what you were thinking, because he took one of his Usagimodoki cubes hanging from his belt and shoved it into your hands. Whenever he knew he wasn't going to be around for a while, he gave you one of his cubes to look after you. "When I say run, I want you to get out of here as fast as you can. Okay?" He whispered. "But what about..." You trailed off, looking at Koujaku, Mizuki, and Amu. "Don't worry about them." He replied.

"Have you decided whether you want to let your friends be killed or to live with Trip and I, (y/n)-san?" Virus asked. "Nobody's going to die and nobody's going to go live with you." Noiz said as he cracked his knuckles.

He launched himself at Trip, punching him in the stomach. "Run!" He yelled to you as he fended off Virus and Trip. You ran as fast as you could, focusing on putting distance between you and them. Before you could get far, you heard a loud popping noise that came from behind you. Someone had fired a gun. This can't be happening, you thought, expecting the worst. Tears ran down your cheeks as you picked up the pace, clutching Usagimodoki in your hands.

Noiz's POV

After (y/n) had run off, I focused myself on the blondes. I was going to make sure they never came within a hundred meter radius of her. Grabbing the knife from Trip's hand, I spun around; coming face to face with Virus, who had a gun in his hand. "We really didn't want it to be this way. If you had not resisted, this would have already been over." He smiled wickedly. Suddenly, Trip was behind me; holding me in place. "I'm so sorry, but some things have to be done." Virus lifted the gun; aiming at my chest.

I immediately thought of (y/n) and how she would react if I died. I couldn't do that to her. Acting quickly, I pulled the knife from my pocket and plunged it into Trip's thigh; making him let go. I ran to grab the gun out of Virus's hand, but I was too late. He fired twice; one of them hitting me in the shoulder. An uncomfortable feeling ran through my shoulder and arm, and I tried not to pay attention to the dark liquid that began to stain my shirt.

I snatched the gun out of his hand and put it to his temple. "I don't want you to come near (y/n) ever again. If you do I won't hesitate to kill both of you. Understand?" I said, my voice low. He nodded. I let go of him and went to untie the others.


"Where are we going?" I asked when I noticed we weren't heading in the direction of my apartment. "We're taking you to the hospital, obviously." Koujaku said, still rubbing his wrist. "I didn't ask you... old man." I was so tired I could barely talk. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep, but I knew if I did that I probably wouldn't wake up. Instead, I counted all the street lights along side the road.

When we finally arrived at the hospital, Koujaku had to help me out of the car and into the lobby. As soon as we made it in the door, my legs gave out. The last thing I remember before blacking out was (y/n) calling my name; her voice full of concern and panic.

(More cliffhangers! *evil laugh* also, don't forget to vote and comment)

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