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Song of the chapter: Falling Star by Kid Cudi (R3K Remix)

Noiz's POV

It had been three weeks since I last saw (y/n). Three long weeks full of misery, despair, and sorrow. Everyday I would lie in bed thinking about her and how it would feel to have her in my arms, for I had gotten my sense of touch back after being forced to go along with Aoba to stop Toue from taking over Midorijima. I sort of wish I didn't, though, because being able to feel made me think of all the things that (y/n) and I could do together, which only made the agony of not having her around worse.

I put my hand over my chest, where my heart would be. "It's not bleeding, but it hurts really bad right here.¹" I say, mostly to myself. "Would you like me to call a doctor?" Usagimodoki asked, landing on my bed. "I'm fine. Go away." I muttered, picking up the blue and green cube and tossing it across the room.

¹ If you got the reference then I love you forever.

I rolled on to my stomach, burying my face in my pillow. Maybe I should just go back to sleep. I was about to doze off when I heard someone knocking at the door. Sighing, I tried to ignore whoever was pounding on my door.

"Noiz! Come open the door right this instant!" Amu shouted. What was she doing here? I quickly pulled on a shirt and went to answer the door. "What do you want?" I asked, hoping that she would just go away.

"I need you and (y/n) to get back together." She stated. I was shocked. Why would she want the person who broke her best friend's heart to get back together with her?

"I can't. She hates me." I said, failing to keep Amu from storming into my apartment. "Then make her fall in love with you again, because I hate seeing her so... desolate." She seemed at a loss for words to describe (y/n)'s mood. "You don't understand. She literally hates me. I don't think it's possible for us to get back together. Not after what I did."

"What could you have possibly done that would make her hate you?" She asked, obviously unaware of what happened. "(Y/n) didn't tell you? Well, it's kind of a long story, so you should sit down." I led her to the living room and plopped down on one of the black leather couches. "So, can you start the story from the beginning?" She looked anxious to hear what happened.

"It all started about a year ago, when I started Ruff Rabbits. I needed a place to use as our headquarters and whatnot, so I called one of my acquaintances and asked her if her parents would let me use one of their empty warehouses in northern Midorijima. They said yes, but on a condition; I had to watch over their daughter, Akemi. I can't stand being around her, but I figured that it wouldn't be too hard to just keep an eye on her.

"And I was right, it wasn't hard watching over Akemi, but dodging her attempts to get me to like her was a constant struggle. She even started insisting that I spend the night at her house. Things only got more difficult when (y/n) and I started dating. I knew that if I told Akemi I didn't like her, she'd tell her parents and they wouldn't let me use the warehouse anymore. Which is bad, because then I'd have to disband Ruff Rabbits and it's so much easier to sell information and make money with them around.

"To make a long story short, (y/n) found out I was with Akemi almost every night and thought I was cheating on her. In a way, I sort of was, but that's against the point. But, after (y/n) left, I regretted everything and wished I could go back in time to prevent it from happening, but I can't. She will most likely hate me forever and I'm just going to have to deal with it." I finished, hoping that Amu would go home now that she heard everything that happened.

"Wait, did you actually do it with Akemi?" She asked in disbelief. "What kind of question is that? Of course I didn't. I know it may not seem like it, but I am completely loyal to (y/n) and would never even think about doing it with anyone else." I stated, tired of answering questions. "Well, I have to go now, but I promise to find a way to make (y/n) love you again." Amu said, getting up and heading towards the door.

I sighed as I crawled back into bed. Hopefully, (y/n) will understand that I love her more than anything and come back, I thought.

(This is so short and probably not that good, but oh well too bad -PriusTesla)

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