Ruff Rabbits

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Song of the chapter: Black & Blue by Miike Snow

(Y/n)'s POV

"Please? Just once?" You were begging Noiz to play Rhyme with you. He had refused multiple times but you were being extremely persistent. "No. Stop asking." He replied in a monotonous voice, continuing to type away on his holographic laptop. You moved so that you were in front of him, making him look at you. You were only wearing a sports bra and sweat pants, so his eyes didn't meet yours. "My eyes are up here." You stated, obviously annoyed that he wasn't listening to you.

"I know that..." He muttered, meeting your gaze. "Play Rhyme with me." You said, not wanting to give up. "Tch." He pushed you off of him and went back to hacking into whatever. "I won't play with you, no matter how many times you ask." You pouted. He really didn't want to play against you.

"But why?" He seemed surprised that you asked that question. "Because it would damage our relationship." He said it without emotion. You laughed so hard that you couldn't breathe. "No it wouldn't. I love you. A Rhyme battle can't change that." He stopped what he was doing and looked at you. "I know the way you are, (y/n). You'll be mad at me if you lose. I don't want that." He kissed your cheek and got up.

"Wait! I'm not done talking to you!" You called after him. He turned to look at you, "I have important things to do, including selling Rhyme information. I don't have time for games today." Just as he was about to close the door, he added, "Don't do anything dumb while I'm gone."

You sighed. Noiz was probably going to be gone all day and he never lets you on his computers, so it was going to be a very boring afternoon. Even if you decided to ignore his rules you would not only have to figure out the password for his computer, but also make sure Usagimodoki didn't catch you, which was very unlikely. There was over twenty of them scattered around Noiz's apartment, watching your every move.

Grabbing the remote for the TV, you got comfortable on the couch. Luckily, there was a marathon of Avatar: The Last Airbender on so you wouldn't have to resort to watching NCIS or any other cop show, for that matter.

"This looks like a pretty dumb show." You hadn't noticed that your snake Allmate was making his way onto the couch. "I didn't ask you, Floyd. If you don't like it, go take a nap instead." He hissed, but slithered under the blanket wrapped around you and went into sleep mode. Why does he have such an attitude all the time, you asked yourself.

After about two hours, you got bored of watching TV. You wanted to do something more... adventurous. Then you got an idea. An idea that was extremely stupid and if Noiz caught you... You didn't even want to think about how he would react. You knew he would be absolutely furious. But the thought of doing something dangerous was exciting enough to make you not care.

You changed into a dark green tank top and your most comfortable pair of jeans. If anything went wrong, running would be the best option, so you thought it would be best to wear adequate clothing. Floyd slithered over to you as you laced up your black combat boots. "Where do you think you're going? I recall Noiz-san telling you not to do anything dumb while he's gone." Knowing that Noiz put a tracking device in your Allmate, you told Floyd to mind his own business and go back to sleep.

"You know I will have to notify him if you leave, right?" You sighed. Why does Noiz have to be so overprotective, you thought as you turned off Floyd.

Right before leaving, you took the gun Noiz kept for emergencies. "You can never be too safe." You said to yourself.

Noiz's POV

Today was a very hectic day at the Ruff Rabbits headquarters, which was just an abandoned warehouse that happened to still have electricity. There was over thirty members here today, but we were still up to our necks in work. I was in the middle of finding where Usui would appear next when my coil went off; flashing warnings covering the whole screen, telling me that (y/n) wasn't at home anymore. She had left my apartment to go do who knows what. I had to go find her before she got herself into trouble.

I was so beside myself with concern and anger that I didn't notice Akemi standing in front of me. "What's wrong, Noiz-kun?" She asked, putting her hands on my chest. She had a major crush on me and had no intention of hiding it. "It's none of your concern." I stepped around her and started towards the door, leaving her in my wake.

I tried calling (y/n) on my coil but she didn't answer. She probably turned it off because she knew I could track it. That made me wonder what she might be doing right now. She wouldn't have gone as far as turning off her coil of she was just out with Aoba or Amu. Maybe she was with someone else... No; I refused to believe that was true. Still, the thought kept poking at my brain. What if she had found someone better than me?

Trying to clear my mind, I ran faster. I needed to make sure that she wasn't just hanging out with Clear or something. The only thing that was for sure right now was that I was going to be so mad at (y/n) when I found her; whether she was cheating or not.

(So many cliffhangers... Don't forget to vote and comment what you think (y/n) did! -PriusTesla)

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