Ruff Rabbits (Part 2)

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Song of the chapter: Be Good (RAC Remix) by Tokyo Police Club

(Y/n)'s POV

You had called a few of your friends from Venom to help out with the insane task that you were going to attempt. You wanted to make Venom a Rhyme and Rib team.

Once you got to Venom headquarters, which just happened to be in the abandoned north district of Midorijima, you rounded everyone up and told them the plan. "We're going to have to put our logo up somewhere everyone will see... Anyone got any ideas?" You asked the ten, or so people gathered around you.

A particularly annoying boy raised his hand, "So Noiz gave you permission to join a potentially fatal game that he once said was 'a dangerously stupid waste of time'?" A few of the people around him began to laugh. They knew how protective Noiz was and always made fun of you because of it. "It doesn't matter what he said. I'm old enough to make my own decisions." You were only seventeen, but since your parents had died when you were young, you were forced to learn to fend for yourself. You didn't like talking about it much, so the only person who knew the whole story was Noiz.

"Why don't we just put our logo up on the side of one of those overpass things that go over roads?" You looked up from the papers you were studying. "That's a great idea, but how will we get up there?" You asked. "You just climb down from the thing. It's risky, but I've done it before so I'm practically a expert." Hinata explained. "Then let's go find an overpass to spray-paint." You said, carrying the cans of purple, red, green, and black paint to the door. You tried not to show it, but there was a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach that was very familiar to you. Guilt. Maybe this isn't such a good idea, you thought, maybe Noiz wanted to keep me out Rib for a reason... You continued to contemplate whether you should pull through with it the whole car ride to the overpass.

Noiz's POV

Scheiße. I wasn't going to find her at the pace I was going. Clear nor Aoba or the others knew where she was. I pulled off my hat and ran a hand through my hair. I was extremely frustrated with (y/n); I didn't even want to know how much trouble she probably was getting herself into right now. Sighing, I walked back to Ruff Rabbits' headquarters. There was nothing to do except wait until she comes out from hiding... Or whatever she was doing.

"Noiz-kun! You're back!" Akemi runs over glomps me as soon as I come through the door. She surprises me by kissing my cheeks and forcing her lips onto mine. I open my mouth to tell her to stop, but she slips her tongue in; preventing all forms of speech. I heard snickers from across the room and knew they were probably taking pictures to post on social media.

"I have to show you something." Akemi says, getting off and grabbing my hand to lead me to the private room in the back. "Why can't you just show me out here?" I asked as I pried her hand off my wrist. "Because I only want you to see it." She whispered seductively, pulling me in the room and locking the door. I knew that the only thing that could come out of this was trouble, but I had nothing better to do so I went along with it. Besides, if I didn't, she would tell her very, very rich parents and they would find a way to sue me or something.

Akemi pulled down her skirt, revealing a lot of lace. I had a feeling that she had planned this. "I got a new tattoo and wanted you to see it." She said, sitting on one of the beanbags and spreading her legs. The tattoo was on her inner thigh and was of a bunny skull and crossbones. "Well, that's nice. We should get back to finding Rhyme info now." I said, turning towards the door.

"Wait! Don't you want to hang out with me in here, where we can be alone?" She called after me. I already felt guilty enough from just seeing her like this; it would only get worse if I stayed in there. "I can't. Sorry not sorry." I walk out of the room, not caring what she has to say about it.

(Y/n)'s POV

You thought it was kind of scary having to hang off something that was twenty feet off the ground, but you still managed to draw the fangs of Venom's logo perfectly. You were admiring your masterpiece when Hinata gave the signal that meant that someone was coming. You quickly climbed back over the edge and began to run as fast as humanly possible. You looked back to see who was chasing after you and was shocked with what you saw.

Mink was catching up to you and he had a few Scratch members with him. You tried to lose them by changing direction multiple times, but they still were on your tail. You ran into a long, winding alley, hoping they would give up, but one of the Scratch members was waiting at the other end; blocking the exit. You took off in the other direction. Another member was waiting at the end you came. Oh no, you thought.

Mink walked over to you, surprisingly calm. "Come with me." He ordered, taking your hand. You knew better than to try to escape now, but you guessed he was just making sure you couldn't. He led you a black Mercedes GL and told you to get in the back. Where did Mink get the money to buy this car, you thought, these things can cost over $90,000. You looked out the window to see the city passing you in blurs of color. You sighed. It wasn't even 1:00 yet and you were already in trouble.


Once you got to Scratch HQ, Mink put you in some sort of side room and said he was going to call Noiz to come get you. You had begged him not to, knowing that Noiz would kill you if he found out you had broken not two, but three of his rules. You sat with your back against the wall and sighed for the tenth time today.

After about ten minutes, Noiz stormed into the dark room you were in. "Get up, we're leaving." He said, his voice laced with anger. You ran to over to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. "I'm so sorry, Noiz. Please don't be mad at me." You hugged him tighter. "Okay, but I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you. You have to be at my side one hundred percent of the time." He snaked his arms around your waist and kissed both of your cheeks.

"Wait, does that mean I can go with you to Ruff Rabbits HQ?" You always wanted to go there, but he whenever you mentioned it, he paled and immediately changed the subject. "No. You don't have to go there." He said, letting you go and walking towards the exit. "But I don't want you to be mad at me! Please let me go with you!" You begged, moving to stand in front of Noiz. "Tch. Fine, but it's going to be really boring and we're going to be there for hours. Are you sure you want to?" He asked. "Of course! Let's go!" You grabbed his hand and ran outside.

You ran a random way, but Noiz stopped you before you could get very far. "It's that way." He said, pointing in the opposite direction. You blushed and started running in that direction. This is going to be fun, you thought.

(Omg sorry for the long wait, I was being lazy. Anyways, this is another cliffhanger soooo... Yeah. There will be a girl fight soon...)

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