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Song of the chapter: Don't by Phoenix

Noiz's POV

"Just say how you feel, Noiz-san." Clear insisted as he massaged my shoulders. Amu's idea of helping me get (y/n)'s forgiveness was by making me practice what I was going to say to her with Aoba. I didn't really know why everyone else had to be here, but I didn't bother saying anything about it.

I turned to Aoba and took a deep breath. It was kind of hard to take this seriously when he was wearing a wig that matched (y/n)'s hairstyle exactly. Where he had found that; I didn't know.

"I love you more than anything in the world and I want us to get back together." I said in a bored tone. Amu face palmed for the tenth time in the last hour. "If you don't say it with enough emotion she won't believe that you really want her back. Try it again in a more sincere voice." She ordered.

"I'm tired of this. Why can't I just go see her?" I asked, annoyance layering my tone.

"Because we only have one shot at this and practice makes perfect." Amu explained, intent on not letting me leave until I've perfected what I wanted to say to (y/n).

"Can I at least switch out Aoba for someone else? He's making it more difficult." As soon as I said that, Clear pushed Aoba out of the way and ripped the wig off his head. "I want to be (y/n)-san!" He yelled, running around the room with the wig on.

This was going to be a long day.

(Y/n)'s POV

You were a mess. You missed Noiz, but hated him at the same time. How could he have been cheating on you this whole time? Even when you said that you loved him, he still went behind your back to spend time with Akemi. You wondered if he ever even loved you back or if he was just using you.

Amu tried to convince you to talk to him, but whenever she mentioned his name, you immediately began to feel uncomfortable and locked yourself in her guest bedroom. You had been staying with her ever since you and Noiz had broken up, mostly because you would go insane if left alone for a long period of time.

To be honest, you sort of already going crazy. You could probably count on one hand all the times you had been outside after the breakup.

But still, you wanted him back more than anything.

Noiz's POV

I got this; I got this. All I have to do is repeat what I practiced saying and give her the flowers. Then she'll accept my apology and we can go home together. That's not that hard, right?

The car ride to Amu's place was nerve-racking. I was going to see (y/n) for the first time in over a month. I had no idea how she was feeling or if she even cared about me anymore. I couldn't help but think that she might say no and ruin all the plans I had for our future.

My hand unconsciously crept toward my pocket. A small box rested there, though in these moments of anxiety it felt like it weighed a ton.

What if she says no? What will I do then?

Doubts and uncertainties clouded my mind as the car continued up the road, bringing me ever closer to (y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV

A pounding at the front door knocked you out of your doldrums. You quickly attempted to make yourself presentable by smoothing out your untamed hair and throwing on an old t-shirt that was lying on the floor.

You padded over to the door, completely unaware of what lay beyond it. You turned the lock slowly and hesitantly opened the door.


You slammed the door shut. Why was Noiz here?

Your common sense told you to open the door and talk to him like a decent human being, but your heart told you to go sit on the couch and cry with a tub of cookie dough ice cream. You considered listening to your heart, but that option was soon eliminated when Noiz started talking to you through the door.

"I know your angry, but you have to listen. It's not what you think it is. Just let me explain." The desperation in his voice convinced you open the door a little.

"Explain what?" You whispered harshly, skeptical of his claims.

"It's a long story so you might want to sit down or something."


"You could of just told me that you had to hang out with Akemi." You murmured after Noiz finished telling you the entire story. "That would've been better than me just finding out and thinking that you had been cheating on me."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I don't think I'll ever be able to apologize enough." He said, avoiding your gaze.

"Don't worry it's fine. Well, not really, but you know what I mean." A small smile crept onto your face as you acknowledged your own awkwardness.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Yeah sure, why not?" A fully formed smile was now occupying your face, accenting your beautiful features.

"That's good. I just wanted to make sure before I asked."

"Asked wha-" Your sentence was cut off by Noiz kneeling in front of you, a small black box in his hands. In the box was an intricate diamond ring with a silver band. It fascinated you how the design looked so delicate but, in truth was incredibly strong.

"I know I probably don't deserve you or your love, but I couldn't go on not knowing if you truly felt the same way I do." He paused and took a deep breath. "(Y/n), will you marry me?"

You didn't know what to say. Tears of joy were already cascading down your cheeks.

"Yes, Noiz, yes! I will marry you!" Noiz quickly slid the ring onto your finger and pulled you into a tight embrace, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around. He brought his lips to yours in a kiss so passionate that all other thoughts were pushed out of your head. When you finally pulled away, both of your faces were completely flushed.

"Well, I guess you know how I really feel now." You said, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Yeah, I do."

(Sorry for the long wait, I was working on my other fanfics. Plz check them out too.)

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