Bittersweet Memories

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Song of the chapter: Run by Alison Wonderland

(Y/n) POV

All you could feel was emptiness. The person you loved most had been cheating on you for who knows how long. Despite that, you couldn't get a certain blonde German off your mind. Deep down you still loved him, but there was no way you could get back together. He had betrayed you in the worst way possible and didn't bother to tell you. You had even stopped talking to Amu when she insisted you give him a second chance. Instead you spent all day thinking about how he used to hold you, cuddle with you, kiss you...


"Why won't you cuddle with me!? What have I done to not deserve your cuddles?" It was past midnight and you had woken up to find Noiz with his back to you, cuddling one of his many bunny stuffed animals instead. After a few minutes of you attempting to wake him, his eyes opened and met your (e/c) ones, that were currently filled with annoyance.

"It's too early for me to deal with you. Just go back to sleep." He murmured tiredly, pulling the stuffed bunny closer to him. You pouted and turned around, intent on giving him the silent treatment for the rest of the night. Noiz sighed in annoyance and threw the stuffed animal across the room.

"I'm only doing this because I love you." He muttered as he tugged you into a tight hug. "Yay! Cuddling!" You cheered, snuggling closer to his warm body.

After a few seconds of silence, you planted a kiss on Noiz's cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too."


"What are you doing?!"

You almost fell out off the couch when you heard Noiz's voice from behind you. You had decided to borrow his laptop without asking, assuming that he would be out doing whatever he does and wouldn't find out that you were getting on Tumblr with his computer.

"Noiz, I-I really didn't mean to!" You answered quickly. He narrowed his eyes and pulled the device out of your lap. After a few minutes of Noiz inspecting the laptop, he sat it down and shifted his attention to you.

"Don't ever touch my stuff again." The tone of his voice told you that he probably wasn't joking, so you just nodded and slowly began to slink away to the safety of his room. Before you could close the door, Noiz pulled something out of his back pocket and handed it to you. It was your coil.

"I fixed it for you and updated some stuff." He said, running a hand through his hair. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You squealed, wrapping your arms around Noiz in a tight embrace.

"You're welcome."


"This is the kind of stuff you listen to?" You asked quizzically as you took off Noiz's headphones. He was sitting next to you, typing away on his holographic laptop, and ignoring your very existence. He narrowed his lime green eyes at you before turning them back to the semi-transparent screen.

"How can you even focus when this stuff is playing?" You questioned, shifting so that you were partially leaning on Noiz. The song was about 99% computer generated, and the only trace of human interference was the occasional person yelling, "CALL 911 NOW!!!" Which, in your opinion, was not good background music for anything.

"The same way I focus whenever you're around." He said. It took you a few seconds to understand what he meant, but when you did, an involuntary pout formed on your face. Did he really think you were that annoying?

Sadness clouding your thoughts, you scooted over to the far corner of the bed, away from Noiz. Not long after doing that, you felt the bed shift and a certain someone pull you into a tight embrace.

"I'm really starting to think that you're too sensitive for your own good." He mumbled, burying his face in your hair. "But maybe that's why I love you." He added, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek. That simple gesture of affection made you feel warm all over, causing you to snuggle deeper into his arms.

The room was silent, aside from the sound of both your and Noiz's breathing. He was quietly stroking your hair while you played with the things dangling from his hat.


"Yeah?" You looked up into his eyes, which had a slightly mischievous look in them.

"To be honest, I can never really focus whenever you're around."


Just the thought of not seeing Noiz again made you want to scream and cry and punch holes in walls.

You couldn't lose him. Not after what happened with your parents. You had taken their love and support for granted; you didn't realize that you would lose them so early on in life. And the event had scarred you for life. In fact, it wasn't until you came to Midorijima that you truly got over their death, thanks to Aoba using Scrap on you. But you had a feeling that not getting back together with Noiz would have irreversible effects.

'I will get Noiz back. I just have to.' You promised yourself that, but in truth, you didn't know what would happen.

(I'm so sorry for taking so long on this chapter. I just needed a break from the stresses of people's expectations for me to update all my stories all the time. Anyway, I guess you noticed that the story will be ending soon. ;) Don't worry though, there will be a good and bad ending, not to mention epilogues. (And for anyone who's wondering, the 'CALL 911 NOW!!!' song is called First Of The Year by Skrillex.)

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