A Final Push

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A citizen was running away when suddenly, he noticed RED TORNADO flying over him and he smiled.

Red Tornado flew to the center of the town where the team, except for M'gann, now stood, just out of range from Twister. The villain saw the arrival and stopped. "Hit the showers, boys." Red Tornado instructed as he landed in front of them. "I was hoping you could handle this. Clearly you cannot."

"But we've got a plan now." Dick objected.

"The subject is not up for debate." Tornado told them, and all of them walked off without saying a word.

"I was beginning to believe you'd never show up." Twister told Tornado.

"I'm here now." Tornado replied, and his right hand reached out to the ground behind him creating a twister heading straight for Twister. Twister counteracted it by evading the twister and shooting it with his own. Tornado took this opportunity to try and attack, but Twister quickly shot another twister at Tornado.

Tornado didn't even finch and the twister was gone. "We are evenly matched, Twister." Tornado told him before creating a tornado behind himself to throw right at Twister.

"No, Tornado, we are not." he replied and emphasized his point by punching the ground, creating a wall of wind and air that blocked the rubble from him. He then shot lightning at the leaguer, which Tornado dodged and took flight. As he evaded, he guided the lighting to hit a boat, causing it to explode right in front of him, knocking him to the ground as he sparked.

Twister jumped and landed beside him, "Remain still, android." His fingertips transformed into computer connectors which guided themselves to the back of Tornado's head and neck, "The reprogramming won't take long..."

Tornado suddenly grabbed the wires and turned his head towards Twister, before his head began transforming into... M'gann's head? "Longer than you might think." she said in her own voice.

"No." Twister gasped. M'gann launched him back with her telekinesis, ripping the wires from his hand. He was shot into an incoming twister, which caught Twister and sent him flying over her head. The twister eventually stopped, revealing that it was Kid Flash creating the twister all along. 

Twister regained his balance and was about to fire a twister at the 2 heroes when the funnels from which the twister came out of were blocked. He looked up, seeing Spider-Man had blocked it with his webs. He jumped towards the villain, who attempted to punch him, but he just dodged and jumped onto him. He pulled his arms together with his webs and began to web him all over his body so he couldn't move (You can think of when he tied up Lizard in TASM 1 in the school). He then ripped out the tubes which he assumed allowed the funnels to shoot out twisters in the first place, "No more tornadoes for you." He knew he was done for now and jumped off.

Superboy then took his turn and grabbed Twister by the arm. He began punching him hard in the stomach then the chest, causing smoke to begin to come out from the seams of the metal plates on him. Superboy reeled pack and sent a massive punch straight into his face, sending him into the harbor with a large splash.

As he sunk, there was Aqualad waiting for him. He was holding a large metal figure and he hit it into the villain, impaling him with 2 points on the weapon. Aqualad's tattoos began to glow and an electric shock began to pass through him and the weapon and into Twister, which caused an explosion. He was shot out of the water and onto the ground with one of his arms now missing. M'gann used her telepathy to lift him up in the sky in front of her. She ripped off his other arm and Robin explosive disks at him to knock him down.

Twister rose to his knees, finding the entire team before him. Spider-Man walked over to the villain and ripped open the chest, revealing a man in the suit. he was about 40 years old, medium-length brown hair and in a green and white suit. He pulled the man out and threw him to the ground in front of the team, "Foul. I call foul." he stuttered.

M'gann walked closer towards him before reaching out to pull out a large boulder from the ground with her telepathy. Kaldur quickly realized what she was doing and tried to stop her by forcing her arms back to her body, "M'gann, no!" But it was too late. The rock landed on the man, crushing him before their very eyes.

Wally, Robin and Spider-Man were all stunned before Robin walked up to M'gann angrily, "Don't know how things are done on Mars, but on Earth we don't execute our captives."

M'gann seemed unbothered, "You said you'd trust me." she reminded him. She lifted the boulder to reveal the man was an android all along, but now left in crushed pieces. Wally and Spider-Man made their way towards the rubble, "That's why I couldn't read his mind." she added.

Wally grabbed one of the eyeballs, "Cool. Souvenir." he said. He flicked it then caught it in his fist as he looked over at M'gann.

Peter was examining the wreckage, "If I could use some of this tech..." he said, already creating ideas on what he could do with it.

"We should have had more faith in you." Kaldur told her as he put his hand on her shoulder. Peter snapped out of it and walked towards the group to join them.

"Yeah, you rocked this mission." Wally joked and agreed. Everyone was silent not finding the joke that funny, "Get it? Rocked? Heh."

Peter sighed, "I think you should probably leave the jokes to me." he added. THAT got a bit of a laugh out from the group.

"Ignore them. We're just all turbed you're on the team." Dick told her, now in a brighter tone.

M'gann chuckled, "Thanks. Me too."

The group turned to Spider-Man, "With being on the team in mind... Did you make your decision?" Kaldur asked.

Peter thought about it. He's spent most of his time as Spider-Man flying solo. This could be different... He made his decision. It's what Gwen would've wanted him to do and what MJ would never let him forget if he said no. "...Sure. Why not?"

Mount Justice,

The team were talking with Red Tornado as they surrounded the remains of the android rubble on a table, "It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you." Kaldur told Tornado.

"Agreed." he says as he looked over the pieces of the android and the computer readouts.

"Is that why you wouldn't help us?" M'gann asked.

"No. This was your battle. I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you. Nor should you solve mine for me." Tornado answered simply.

Robin, Wally, Superboy, and Peter all stopped their work to look over at Tornado, thinking about what he said.

"But if you're in danger..." M'gann tried to say, but Tornado quickly shut her down. 

"Consider this matter closed." he stated before walking off.

"Batman, Aquaman and Flash, they'd have jumped right in to fix things." Wally commented as they stood to watch him leave.

"Guess if we're gonna have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need." Dick added.

"That's a bit harsh, don't ya think?" Peter told him.

"And inaccurate." Tornado said as he was walking away, "I have a heart. Carbon-steel alloy." He turned to face them, "I also have excellent hearing."

Wally's eyes shut as he frowned. He opened one eye to look at Dick as Dick let out a nervous chuckle, "Ha, right. Sorry. I'll strive to be... more accurate."

Kaldur grabbed Robin's shoulder lightly, "And more respectful."

Red Tornado said nothing and he walked away down the hall with M'gann standing at the entrance and watching him leave. Wally, Kaldur, Dick, and Peter began to make their way to the dorm section of the cave, "Speedy was so wrong." Wally said.

"This team thing." Dick continued.

"Might just work out." Kaldur completed

"Alright, I'm gonna head off back home. My aunt's gonna kill me if I don't get home soon." Peter said as he began to stray off from the rest. 

The group waved him goodbye, "You need some help getting home?" Wally asked. Peter quickly stopped and walked back to Wally with his head down, "...Yes."

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