A Favor

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Daredevil walked towards Spider-Man at the edge of the building. He grabbed the baton from Spider-Man's hand and perched on the edge, "What happened to not using out names in public?" Daredevil replied.

Spider-Man sat on the edge beside Daredevil, "Come on. Nobody's around." Spider-Man told him.

Daredevil cocked his head, "And what about your friends that's spying on us 3 buildings away?" he said. Spider-Man sat up straight from surprise and tried to look around for the duo, but couldn't find them to which Daredevil added, "You won't find them. The Martian went invisible and the sidekick's using the shadows."

Spider-Man then turned back to Daredevil, expecting the other 2 to jump in at any moment, "I need your help." he told him.

"With what?" the vigilante questioned.

"The Kingpin." Daredevil spun his head towards Spider-Man from what he said, which he noticed. "So you do know him." he said.

Daredevil scoffed as he looked back at the warehouse, "'Know him' is an understatement. I destroyed his whole organization 3 years ago and I haven't heard from him since. Never fought him, or encountered him... But I did hear about him a week ago." he explained.

"What'd you hear?" Spider-Man asked.

Daredevil looked back at Spider-Man, "How about this? You help me take down this deal, and I'll give you everything you need to know about Kingpin." he said, pointing at the warehouse with his baton.

Spider-Man looked back at the warehouse and after a little bit of thinking..., "Deal." he agreed.

A smirk appeared on Daredevil's face, "Good. Now, I'll go deal with the snipers and guards while you, explain this to your team." he said, ending with the 2 heroes turning around to see Miss Martian and Robin with their arms crossed. Spider-Man sighed as Daredevil jumped away off the building.

Spider-Man stood up and the group walked towards each other, "So when were you gonna tell us that you already knew Daredevil???" Robin questioned.

Spider-Man sighed again and waved his hands  around in the air to try and explain, "I-I knew him from a couple of missions we did together about a year ago. We became good friends, but he swore me to not tell anyone that I knew him or that Spider-Man had any connection to Daredevil. I agreed." he explained.

Miss Martian scoffed, "A secret like that, you could have told the 2 of us! It's not like a secret like that could get out." she exclaimed at him.

He put his hands up to calm her down, "Listen. I was just doing what he asked. He has villains almost just as dangerous as Batman's and he wanted to keep me safe. Robin," He looked down at the Boy Wonder, "You know exactly how dangerous Batman's villains are." he said.

Robin sighed and rolled his eyes and looked away, before revealing the unfortunate truth, "...You're right." He then looked at Spider-Man, "But it's not that big of a deal." he ended with a smile as he put his hands on his hips.

Spider-Man cocked his head, "Really?" he asked.

"Really." M'gann replied before Spider-Man looked at her, creating a smile. "But let's just focus on this so we can get that Kingpin guy. I'm getting my round 2 with Prowler." she said before she walked past Spider-Man and she flew away. Spider-Man leaped towards the warehouse and Robin shot out a grappling hook towards the area.

Little did they know... someone was watching. The figure was perched over a building and narrowed it's eyes at the heroes before he leaped off...

Meanwhile with the heroes, a sniper was keeping an eye around the area as he walked around his post from a nearby building. Suddenly, he was grabbed into a choke hold by Daredevil. The goon tried to pull the arm off, but his vision slowly began to fade, falling into a deep sleep. The body dropped to the ground. He spun his head towards the left where a trio of goons stood and Robin rushed by. He leaped over to the next building and threw his Bird-a-rangs at the trio of goons, knocking them out. He looked over at where Daredevil was with a smirk, trying to impress the vigilante, but only saw an empty space. Robin's arms fell and a frown appeared.

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