Old And New Foes

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Peter turned around a corner and began to pull off his clothing piece by piece. First his jacket, then his shirt, revealing his Spier-man suit. He then threw off his pants and shoes before webbing all his clothes into a pile and webbing them onto a wall. He then leaped up and webbed up to the roof. He took in a breath to relax as he examined his surrounding, checking to see where the path to Holland Bank was. Miss Martian landed beside him in her super suit, "Follow me." she told him.

She then flew off with Spider-Man swinging close behind. An awkward since filled the air and she decided to break it, "So this Shocker guy. What's our plan?" she asked.

Peter sighed, "Oh the usual. Take out his guys silently, then him. Simple as that." he explained.

"Okay, but no offense, I think you're forgetting one thing. His new tech? Last I checked not even you can take him on." she replied.

"And, no offense, but I think you're forgetting that I now have a Martian by my side." he hit back. M'gann chuckled and Spider-Man smiled as they neared the bank.

They landed on a nearby building and saw a truck parked outside the building with goons loading in money inside of it from the bank. Spider-Man jumped to the building and landed right next to a window as Miss Martian went invisible and hovered beside him. he peeked through the window, seeing Shocker loading out money out of the vault. Peter eyed the villain angrily, "He's not getting me this time." he said before he crawled up the building to the roof with Miss Martian eyeing him suspiciously from what he just said. She followed him as he found a vent and pulled the hatch open. He then began crawling through it with Miss Martian crawling behind him, "So... Peter... How did you know Shocker would be here?" she asked.

"Black cat told me." he replied.

Miss Martian came to a halt with her eyes widened, "Black Cat???" she questioned. Peter also stopped and turned his head around to look at her, but couldn't do it fully because of the size of the vents, "Why would you trust her?? I thought she was a bad guy, or girl in this case?" she questioned again.

Peter sighed, "I mean she was right, wasn't she? She's also involved in something dangerous. Shocker's connected to it too. I've spent enough time with Black Cat to know most of the time when she's lying or hiding something. She was hiding something, but she also wasn't lying about this. Trust me on this." he explained.

Miss Martian still did not trust the feline thief, but she did trust Spider-Man, so she believed him, "Fine." she squeezed beside him so they were face to face, "I still don't like her though." she added.

The 2 stared at each other for a couple seconds before Spider-Man broke it, "We're on top of them." he uttered. M'gann snapped out of it and looked down, seeing they were on top of a hatch. The 2 then heard Shocker speaking to someone and peeked through the hatch. They couldn't see much, but they could see Shocker on the phone, "Yeah. We're loading the money now. So far, no fuss... Of course we weren't followed... Spider-Man? Heh. He's a joke." Shocker said. M'gann then noticed Spider-Man's lenses narrow and his fist beginning to clench, before she looked back down, "He's losing his touch. And with this new tech you supplied for me, Spider-Man ain't stopping me any time soon."

"That's it." Spider-Man said. Suddenly, he punched the hatch open, breaking it off it's hinges. Miss Martian tried to pull him back, but it was too late, he jumped down in the center of the bank, grabbing everybody's attention. The goons and Shocker's. Shocker scoffed, "Call you back. I have an insect to take care of." he told the person of the phone before hanging up and putting it in his pocket, "Look who's back for round 2!" he yelled.

Spider-Man scoffed, "This time I'm gonna win." he said as Miss Martian hovered down on top of him.

Shocker cocked his head, "Well would you look at that. Looks like the insect brought an alien here. And yet..." His gauntlets charged up and he smashed his 2 fists together, sending out a shockwave, "It still won't be enough." he warned.

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