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Superboy was still jumping large bounds to catch up the the monkeys and Black cat, "Aqualad to Superboy, radio your position. We'll help you."

"I don't need help, don't want any!" he yelled and he pulled out his comm out from his ear. On his next drop, he dropped the comm, leaving it in the dust.

"Superboy?" Aqualad called out.

"Pretty sure he ditched his comm." Peter stated the obvious.

"Super." Wally said sarcastically. "Now we can't even track him."

Miss Martian put her hand on her head, but got nothing, "He's out of my telepathic range. This Professor Ivo, if he is alive, seems to be two steps ahead of us." she told them. "M-Maybe we should contact Red Tornado?" she questioned.

"Tornado always tells us to handle things ourselves." Aqualad replied. "The mission can still succeed if we recover the parts before they're reassembled."

"That's a great plan except for the part about us not knowing where to look!" he yelled with anger.

"Maybe we do." Robin added. Spider-Man then watched Robin crouch over a destroyed robotic monkey and connect a cable from his HoloGlove to the monkey's back, "We'd have heard by now if the decoy trucks had been attacked." he explained as he typed in commands in his glove, trying to decode the monkey's software, "So how did these monkeys, and Black cat, know exactly which trucks to target?" 

Peter realized how and snapped his fingers at Robin, "The parts have GPS." he exclaimed. 

Robin nodded with a smile and just then, a holographic map from Robin's HoloGlove appeared. "The monkeys can track the signal, which means I can track them with the one we captured. Looks like both sets of parts are converging on..." Peter crouched beside Robin as he tried to determine where the android parts were heading, "Gotham City." they both said, both their voices having shock in them.

"That far south?" Aqualad questioned. "M'gann and I won't get there any time soon. I'm sending Kid on ahead to meet you. Aqualad out."

Robin and Spider-Man stood up and Robin put the monkey on his shoulder. He looked over the road and then used his HoloGlove to activate a miniature motorcycle from his destroyed bike. Robin looked at Spider-Man, "Ready for some wake boarding?" he asked. Peter smiled and nodded before looking in the direction of where the bike was supposed to come from, "Definitely a disaster." he commented before they both turned around and looked up at the crescent moon.

"Heavy on the 'dis.'" Spider-Man added. 

The 2 began to walk off as the bike began heading their way, "Hey, what was up with Black Cat? You could've taken her on, arrested her. Why didn't you?" Robin questioned.

Peter sighed, "It's because she's a victim and in danger. She didn't want to do this." he replied.

Robin scoffed, " A 'victim'?? Pretty sure she was the one that stole from us. How exactly do you know what anyway?"

"Besides the fact that she told me. If she actually wanted to do this... we wouldn't have even realized the parts were stolen. I learnt that from experience."

Gotham City; Ausust 3rd; 21:21 EDT

The monkeys flew into a moving train with the car's doors opened, and with both boxes of android parts, Black Car sitting on one of them with her legs crossed. The group holding the box with Black Cat on it entered first. She jumped off the box inside as the other group of monkeys holding the other box entered. The doors slid shut.

She then looked at the man standing in front of her. He was an aging ginger man with a white button-down, black slacks, and a black vest. He had his arms crossed as he smiled. Professor Ivo. The boxes then began to be opened and the monkerys grabbed the parts before rushing past her and him and into the darkness. "Looks like the job went well." he said.

She snarled at him and sat on a box beside him, "Just get this detonator off me, give me what I want, and I'll be on my way." she replied.

"With pleasure." he replied. He then look a keycard out of his pocket and tapped it onto a metallic collar around her neck. He tapped the card against it and the collar fell to the ground. She caressed her neck and took a deep breath in. She got up and stood in front of him, towering over him, "Now. The tape." she ordered.

He took a black tape off of a box and handed it to her, "Here. Everything you'll need to free your father." he said with a smile. She took it and attached it to her belt, "It truly is a great deal that the 'big man' lent you to us." he thanked.

She snarled even more and glared at him, "Nobody... lends me... to no-one." she replied. He scoffed and began to type on his computer.

Suddenly, they felt a large thud on the roof, making them look up. Behind her, a hand tore through the roof and someone jumped down. The monkeys chattered and giggled as the mysterious man looked up. Black Cat recognized him. Superboy.

He looked up, seeing both Black Cat and... professor Ivo? The man slowly looked up, completely calm, "Oh, hello." he greeted.

Black cat slowly stepped to the side and secretly placed mini-bombs on the wall for her escape. "You? You're Ivo?" He then looked at Black Cat, "And you're Black cat."

She smirked and raised her arms impressively with a smug, "In the flesh."

Superboy scoffed, "I'm whelmed."

She scoffed in return and rolled her eyes, "Oh, honey. You of all people really shouldn't be saying that." she countered as she leaned against the wall and Ivo rested his elbow on his fist.

Ivo placed his hand on his chin, "Since when does the big blue boy scout have a brat?"

"He doesn't." Superboy snapped as he narrowed his eyes.

"Eh, well, if you say so." Ivo shrugged.

The miniature bombs on the side of the train suddenly blew out. Black Cat stepped back, "Well, now you boys have your fun. I'll see you around, Superboy." she said with a smile before she jumped out with a backflip.

Ivo watched her leave and huffed before looking back at Superboy, "She truly is a magnificent specimen. But back to it. Have you met my Mobile Optimal Neural Quotent Infiltrators?" he gestured the bunch of monkey MONQUIs around him. They took off and launched themselves at Superboy.

He attacked at one with a cross, which then turned into a back fist. Another came at him, but he jabbed at the robot monkey. He turned around with a back fist, destroying it. He then continued turning and destroyed the last MONQUI with a back fist. The head was knocked back at Ivo.

"Ah. And after all the trouble I went through finding an acronym for MONQUI." Ivo said with a grumble as Superboy destroyed more of the robots. He turned back to his computer and began typing away. Superboy smashed them together in front of him. He panted heavily as something moved in the background.

"Access: Captain Atom.

Yo, number 1 in YoungJustice stories?? Thanks guys.

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