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"Destroy them." Kobra, the leader of the cult, commanded. Blockbuster charged towards the group. Superboy charged into him halfway. he managed to get under Blockbuster's arms and grabbed his torso, but due to his large size, he grabbed Superboy's waist.

Aqualad's tattoos glowed as he reached behind his shoulders and took out his WaterBearers, his weapons. The Kobra agents began to fire at him, but he crouched behind a shield formed from his WaterBearer. He used the other one to fire non-lethal projectiles at their chests, knocking them out. 

Unbeknownst to them, Bane was hiding behind away from the action and chuckling to himself, before leaving.

Wolverine extended his claws and charged at a group of agents. They tried firing at him, but he shrugged them all off and continued charging at them. The bullets only made him angrier. He charged into one, sending the agent flying into a wall. He was about to stab another but his fist was pulled back by a web. Wolverine looked back to see Spider-Man dealing with his own set of thugs while also still holding onto the web that's attached to Wolverine. They might be working together, but Spidey was not gonna let Wolverine kill someone. The Kobra agent that Wolverine was trying to attack took an opportunity and tried to fire his gun at Wolverine. A barrage of bullets was sent into his face. Wolverine cut the webs attached to him and grabbed the gun from the agent before turning around and throwing it to the side. The agent was frozen with fear as the Wolverine slowly turned back to the goon. His face had bits of his raw flesh exposed all around it as Wolverine breathed heavily, angrily, and slowly. His skin began to heal, making the goon even more terrified, "Who... What are you?" he questioned, horrified.

"...The Wolverine." he answered. He then punched the goon in the face, knocking him out. 

Miss Martian flew back inside and over Kobra, Omega Red, the girl, and Sportsmaster's head, still invisible. She then began throwing agents around, but not without Sportsmaster noticing her, despite her being invisible. He leaned towards Omega Red, "Deal with your mutant friend." he told him.

Omega Red smirked, "With pleasure." he said. He then began charging at the mutant hero. Wolverine looked back, but it was too late. Omega Red hit him with his coils from his arms and right into a wall. Spider-Man jumped to save Wolverine, but Omega spun around and his coils shot out at the young hero. The coils twisted around him and he began to slam him into the ground repeatedly. Wolverine tried to get back up, but Omega threw Spider-Man right into him.

Sportmaster's eyes narrowed at where he he knew the invisible Martian was as he took out a rod, which extended to form a sharp point. He threw it at the Martian, but luckily, she noticed and moved slightly out of the way. But it blew up in front of her, knocking her away and disabling her invisibility. 

Superboy and Blockbuster exchanged punches to each other as Robin ran across the catwalk on top of them. Kid Flash ran behind him and they stopped to look down at the fight going on below them. 

Kid Flash ran off to join the fight as Robin had an idea and let out a mischievous smirk before running off in the direction he came from.

Aqualad stood upright, still holding up his shield and being pushed back by the barrage of bullets being fired at him, "A little help, Spider-Man?" he called out.

Spider-Man was dodging coils trying to grab him as he yelled, "A little busy with..." he acted as though he forgot the villain's name and jumped onto a wall and gestured to Omega Red, "It's Beta Blue, right?" he asked sarcastically.

The villain got angrier, "It's Omega Red!" he yelled as he shot out more coils to grab the webslinger, which he luckily jumped away from.

Aqualad took cover behind some piping and pulled down his Waterbearers. 2 more Kobra agents then appeared from behind the other side of the piping, Aqualad's side. Before they could fire, Kid Flash rammed into both of them, slamming his feet into their chests and knocking them away and out.

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