A Choice

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"Now!" Colossus told Blink. She nodded and opened a portal that lead to a spot above their hideout. Colossus dived through and dived straight down to the ground. But just before he hit it, she created a portal in the ground  that lead to where another portal was, which was right near on the wall of their temple hideout. Colossus dived right through it and through the other portal, flying right into a Sentinel, shooting it back. The Sentinel quickly recovered and got back up. Right before Sunspot flew in and shot a blast of fire at him.

Magneto, badly wounded, dropped against a pillar in the room as the heroes look at him concerningly.

Logan, Artemis with her bow and arrows at the ready, Superboy, Iceman and Kitty all climbed up a pile of debris and boulders to watch the ongoing scene in the center of the area. They saw Magneto in his uniform, standing in between where the chair are, where most of them had fallen over. A Sentinel stood behind him. "You guys ready?" Kitty asked them.

They all nodded. Iceman's skin turned to ice. Artemis readied her bow. Superboy cracked his knuckles. Magneto must've somehow noticed them and turned around, spotting them.

He looked up at the Sentinel behind him, "Do what you were made for." he told him. The Sentinel turned towards the heroes and aimed his arm at them. Logan leaped away, Superboy took the bullets, Kitty allowed the bullets to phase through her, and Iceman and Artemis ducked.

Magneto extended his open hand towards the White House, searching for the safe room in which the president hid. He scanned for the metal surrounding the room, "Where are you..."

Peter finally found M'gann. She was under a couple of boulders with blood dripping from her head. When the stadium fell, he managed to get out of the way. But not M'gann. She was too late.

"M'gann!" He called. He threw each of the boulders away with ease until M'gann was fully exposed. He crouched beside her, "M'gann?" He asked, hoping she would answer. But she didn't. He then began to shake her. "M'gann! Wake up!" 

She shot awake, out of breath she breathed heavily. Peter let out a sigh of relief. She looked up at Peter, "Are you okay?" she asked. She sounded like she was about to pass out any second. She was not in a fighting state. 

"Yeah I'm good." He said. He looked around, spotting a secure spot behind a couple of boulders. He then looked back down at her, "Look. I'm gonna get you some cover. I'll handle this."


"It's not a question, M'gann." He took her into his arms and rushed off behind the boulders where she passed out. Peter then finally began to change into his suit.

Logan evaded a punch from the Sentinel and Artemis shot an arrow at it's head. It simply bounced off and Logan stabbed the Sentinel in it's Rattling gun with his claws. The Sentinel then threw Logan into the air as he was still stuck to the machine. Logan landed onto a pile of rubble. Iceman stepped and and started off with a running start. He shot an ice path in front of him and began sliding on it. He then formed an ice path midair as he shot more of the path in front of him. With one hand creating the path and going around the Sentinel, he shot a continuous blast of ice at it, trying to freeze the machine.

The Sentinel blocked it with his arm then shot at Iceman. He quickly evaded all the bullets as Superboy leaped at him with a battle cry. The Sentinel noticed and sent a punch straight into Superboy, but he quickly noticed. Superboy sent a punch straight back, almost destroying the whole arm. Superboy landed, but also made the Sentinel somehow angry?

Magneto put both his hands up in search to feel the magnetic presence of the safe room.

It was about to grab him when suddenly, SPIDER-MAN jumped onto his back. He grabbed the Sentinel's wires and tore them apart as it tried to grab into him, "GO! STOP HIM!" he yelled to both Superboy and Logan.

The Amazing Spider-Man of Young Justice (Season 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum