Fighting Monkeys

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"Should he really be giving us orders, and should YOU really be following them?" Artemis asked her.

"Listen, please" Kaldur tried to say.

"Oh, good. Aqualad's voice in my head." Kid Flash said sarcastically, "I've so missed that."

Robin sounded much more happier though, "Hey, Kaldur, KF and I were attacked by giant vultures. Course, since we're moles, you probably think we attacked ourselves."

"If he did, he wouldn't tell you." Artemis added on.

"Superboy, are you online? Or just pouting?" Miss Martian asked.

Connor grunted through the link, "Busy. Call back later."

Spider-Man sighed, "So we're still doing this. Alright then."

"What gets me is how nonchalant he is about not telling us." Kid Flash adds on.

"He should be chalant. Way chalant. Extremely chalant." Robin agreed.

"How can we be a team if he doesn't trust us with his secrets?" Artemis asked.

"Or if Conner doesn't trust us to take care of ourselves?"  Miss Martian followed. 

"Did he really think you or I could have been the mole?" Kid asked Robin.

"We've known each other years." Robin agreed.

"Trust is a two-way street." Artemis piped up.

"And you'd know they'd hate it if we kept secrets from them." M'gann snapped.

Rogue looked over at Spider-Man with a tired look on his face, "Are they always like this?" she asked him verbally so nobody could hear.

"They shouldn't be." 

"Not that we'd do that. Never." Artemis griped.

Finally Kaldur lost it, "ENOUGH!" he yelled out, grabbing everyone's attention. "Captain Marvel has been captured, and we must act as a team to save him!"

"Heh. Under your leadership? I don't think s-." Kid Flash replied.

"WOULD YA JUST SHUT YER YAP OR I'M GONNA HAVE TO COME FIND YA IN THIS JUNGLE AND SHUT IT FOR YA!" Rogue suddenly yelled, making Spider-Man slightly jump and look at her with shock, "Lordy, the X-Men have had their big ol' brawls and squabbles, but this here's a whole new level or irritatin'!" She took a breath to calm herself as the entire team was left speechless, "Kaldur... Go on."

"Thank you, Rogue..." Kaldur went back to the subject, "This is not up for debate. You all chose me to lead. When the mission is over, if you wish to select a new leader, I will happily step down. But until that time, I AM in command here.

Everyone was silent. Whether then liked it or not, Kaldur was their leader.

Rogue was the first to speak up, "Me and Spidey will try to find ya'll." She flew up and Spider-Man shot a web at her foot to hang on. She floated high in the sky and turned around slowly, getting a good look around the jungle. 

"Who do you see?" M'gann asked.

She caught sight of someone in the distance. "I got sight of Aqualad. We'll meet up with him first." She flew off to him with Spider-Man now on her back, sticking on.

Spider-Man was the first one to land next to Kaldur with Rogue lowering herself down. "You alright?" Peter asked.

"We ran into some trouble. Mammoths." Kaldur said nonchalantly.

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