The Big Man vs Spider-Man

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MJ watched the news report of the bank robbery that Peter went to go handle from her house. And she was not too happy about what she was seeing, "...Now the mysterious new villain in town, now being named, The Prowler, has taken our beloved hero to who knows where. The local fire department got here just in time to put down the fire, but now we are left with our worries for where Spider-Man may be and if he is still alive."

MJ rushed over to her bag that sat beside her bed, where she was watching her TV from. She pulled out her phone and called Peter's cell. The phone rang and rang until it went straight to his voicemail and spoke, "Pe-..." She paused. If he was still captured and Prowler heard this, they would know his identity. Then again, they might take off his mask to see his true identity. Also, why would Peter be carrying his phone on him, "Spider-Man. Call me back when you get this."

Her hand then fell and she began to walk up and down to think of a plan. If Prowler managed to beat Spider-Man like that, he'd probably do it again if he tried to escape. Couldn't call  Superboy. She needed someone smart that could track him down. Peter didn't give her Kaldur's number... She had an idea. A somewhat smart one. Peter had given her his number in case anything really went wrong and needed some quick help. She dialed his number and put the phone against her ear as it began to ring.

"Come on... Pick up, pick up, pick up."

And it finally answered, "MJ! What's the occasion?"

"Hey, Dick. Peter needs your help."

Undisclosed location; 08:18 PM

Spider-Man's eyes managed to finally pull themselves open. He felt a massive pain in his head. Probably from Prowler. He expected to see light once he opened his eyes, but there was still darkness. The room he was in was dark. And one other thing. 

He was upside down. 

He felt chains around his body that strung him upside down. He finally noticed that there WAS light. But barely any. There were lights in the ceiling. Spider-Man finally got back to his senses and tried to break apart the chains. But something funny happened. They wouldn't break. 

He shook and pulled and tried tearing them off, but none of it worked. "That will not work. They're made from a metal called Adamantium." a voice said. Spider-Man remembered what Adamantium was clearly. Wolverine was full of that stuff. It's what made him so durable and strong. He then noticed a silhouette in the darkness of a large man. "It was about time we met."

"Yeah. It is. I'm assuming you're the big man?"

The man chuckled then walked closer, stepping out of the shadows and into the light, "My name- as you may know... Is Wilson Fisk." Spider-Man could finally see what he looked like.

He was a colossal men, his massive frame ensconced in an impeccably tailored suit.. The suit, a pristine white that glowed softly in the room's muted light, contrasted sharply with his completely bald head, which shone like a beacon. A part of Spider-Man slightly tried not too laugh. His skin was as pale as alabaster, providing a stark canvas for his penetrating gaze, which was fixed on him with unsettling intensity. Despite the bulk of his body, there was nothing sluggish about him.

His voice, when he finally spoke, was deep and resonant, each word carefully chosen and delivered with a confidence that spoke of a man accustomed to being listened to, to being obeyed.

"But you can call me, the Kingpin."

Spider-Man let out a small gulp, "So what do you want with me?" he questioned, sounding brave.

"You've been dabbling in my plans for far too long now and for the last time. I built myself up the ladder in the criminal underworld from rags to riches, making the likes of Two-Face, Penguin, Black Mask and even Carmine Falcone fear me. And I'm not letting YOU of all people get in the way with my plans."

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