Getting Out

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Spider-Man, Iceman and Jean made it to a room. It was room was labelled, "Power Dampener Generator", so it was kinda obvious what was in the room.

Jean and Iceman made it to the door, but saw it could only be unlocked by a racial recognition. She tried tearing the door open with her telepathy, but it was bolted too tight to the wall. She then put her 2 front fingers against the side of her temple, Any luck getting inside? she spoke to Peter telepathically.

Peter, who was still crawling to the vents, spoke back in his mind. Considering I just heard you nearby. I think... He reached the end of a vent and crawled out of it, finding himself in a room with a giant glowing mechanism. It had a curved metal beam attached to the center spinning around the core. Peter was in awe of the design. I think I'm in the right room.

Good. Destroy it.

Slight problem... Peter began slowly stepping towards the generator. I don't have lots of experience with power dampeners. I don't know how to destroy this thing and from how it's protected... I can't go anywhere near it's core.

She closed her eyes and looked into his mind to see through his eyes. You're not completely wrong. But you don't need to destroy the core to disable it. That spinning mechanism isn't just something to protect it, it's part of the machine. If you can destroy it, then you'll be able to disable it.

"Are you insane??" He said aloud, knowing she could still hear him. "I'm strong. But I don't think I'm that strong. The speed that's going, my arm could rip off.

Peter, I know your strength. Trust me. You're strong enough. Plus, emphasis on could. You have to hurry too. Any moment that thing could activate and out powers will be deactivated, except yours and the prisoners' since you're in the room with the battery, not the areas it will be affecting. Now hur-

Her voice stopped. Peter turned to the door in confusion, "Hello? Jean?" he called out.

On the other side, Jean couldn't reach Peter anymore. She groaned and punched the door in anger, "They activated it." she said.

With M'gann,

M'gann tossed a guard away with her telepathy as Rogue kicked a guard down and Wally took out a barrage of guards. They were getting close to the lobby where they would be able to meet up with the rest of the team.

The trio ran through a kitchen when 2 more guards appeared. They aimed their guns at her. M'gann tried to use her telepathy to toss them away, but it wouldn't work. She turned her hand towards herself and looked at it in confusion. Rogue and Wally looked at her in confusion as well, wondering why her powers wouldn't work. Wally tried to charge up his speed and run to them, but he saw he was at normal speed. Rogue tried touching M'gann's green skin, but it had no effect on either of them. Her eyes widened as she turned to the guards, who had smirks, "...They activated the dampener." she said.

The trio began backing away slowly as the 2 guards just got closer, "Now... All of you... stand down. You're not getting out of this..." one of them said.

Suddenly, something hit the back of both guards' heads, making them fall to the ground, unconscious. They three looked down at the object that hit the back of their heads, seeing... a bird-a-rang. Wally and M'gann smiled as Robin walked around the corner and into the room with a smirk, "You won't believe how long it took to find you guys." he said.

Wally let out a small laugh, "Haha. Thanks." Wally said.

"Yes. Thank you." Rogue added.

Robin looked at Rogue, "I'm assuming you're the girl the fuss is all about?" he joked.

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