2 Problems Dealt in 1 Day

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Artemis arrived on her bike to Oscorp. She had on a gray formal suit with a suit case, which she was not happy at all about. She parked it and saw Peter leaning against a pillar with a navy blue suit. He looked quite... handsome.

She quickly shook the thought out of her mind and got off the bike. Peter noticed her and stood up straight before he began walking towards her. He smiled when he saw the angry look on her face, "You look nice, sir." he joked.

She grumbled, "Let's just get this over with." she said and the 2 made their way towards the entrance, "So why exactly am I wearing a suit?"

"To blend in." He said as they walked through the entrance.

Artemis was in awe of how the place looked. It looked so technological. She turned around, taking in a view of everything, which Peter noticed and a smile grew, "I had that same look." he said. He turned back towards the reception, "You should see Stark Industries."

Artemis spun her head towards Peter and followed close behind. They made it to the reception and the receptionist looked up at Peter, "Hello, Mr. Parker. What can I help you with today?" she asked.

Clearly they knew each other. "Hi, Marcy. I was just wondering if I could wait for Harry up in his office." he asked.

"Sure thing. Just need your Oscorp ID card and..." She leaned the the side and looked at Artemis, "Her ID."

Peter looked back at Artemis, who gave him a look. He slowly looked back at the receptionist and leaned closer down to her, "Keep this between us, but..." The receptionist leaned closer, "She and Harry met the other day. Hit it off nicely and... I wanna keep it a surprise..."

The receptionist leaned back to the side to eye Artemis. When she noticed, she shot her with a wide friendly smile. The receptionist sat back up straight and let out a sigh, "You're a really good friend, Peter. Just hurry up before anybody notices." 

Peter put his hands together in a praying position, "Thank you for this." he said before he handed her his card. She scanned it and him and Artemis walked off towards the elevator. 

Once they were far enough, Artemis hit him in the arm with her elbow. "Ow." he said as he held onto his arm. 

She had an angry look on her face, "What was that??" she questioned.

"What? You two did hit it off." he said with a smile. 

Eventually, they made it to an elevator. They entered and Peter put in a combination for the floor they needed to go, "To the archives." he said.

The elevator began to go down, "And what's the suits for now?" she asked.

"We wouldn't be able to just walk into this place. My ID needed to be confirmed. And I have the 2nd highest ranking so I can go . Plus, people would be suspicious if they just saw Peter Parker scratching around in the archives. 2 business-people on the other hand?"

"We'd fit right in." She finished. The door then slid open. There was simply a room of electronic storage containers. Peter walked past her and let out a sigh when he saw how much work would have to be done, "This is gonna take a while..."


"Anything yet?" Artemis asked as she watched Peter typing over a computer that was connected to the servers.


Even later,



MUCH later,

"How abou-"



The Amazing Spider-Man of Young Justice (Season 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz