Gotham 2.0

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August 5th; 09:17 AM; Hell's Kitchen

Spider-Man landed on an apartment building and took a look of his surroundings. If he was gonna have any chance of finding Kingpin and dealing with him, he'd need some help and someone with experience with dealing with Kingpin. Daredevil was that man. The city was also almost like Gotham in a way. It was raining, dark, and gloomy. And considering his name was  Daredevil, it'd make sense he'd be feared. After all, he was known as the devil of Hell's Kitchen. "So you spot anything?" Spider-Man turned to his right to see The Boy Wonder, Robin, speaking. He came along with him for the ride with finding Kingpin... and with someone else.

"I definitely don't." He then looked to his right to see Miss Martian in her stealth suit hovering to his side before perching on the edge of the building, along with the other 2 heroes.

Spider-Man shook his head, "No." he answered, before he noticed a man suddenly push past a woman on the sidewalk. He took her purse along with him before he ran off at full speed. She screamed for help before trying to run after the man herself. She wasn't gonna catch up. "Or maybe yes..." Spider-Man added as his eyes narrowed at the man running off. He then leaped after the man with Miss Martian and Robin close behind, as he had a flashback.

6 hours earlier at Mount Justice,

The team of M'gann, Spider-Man, Superboy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin stood before a large displayed holographic video call of Batman, "Now Spider-Man has told you all of the new arising mafia boss, Kingpin. He has been gaining a reputation throughout the criminal underworld, gaining the fear and respect of Penguin, Two face, and Carmine Falcone. Nobody knows what he looks like, his past, or ever met with him. But we have a lead." A display photo popped up of Black Cat in a museum stealing a diamond, "Black Cat, who is the only person to have truly met the Kingpin and got out of a deal with him, has given us information about a vigilante has has dealt with Kingpin and his organization before." Another photo of flaming letters on the ground appeared. 2 'D' letters merged together, "His name is Daredevil. He is known as The Devil of Hell's Kitchen and it's protector."

Graffiti art of the vigilante's shadow being casted over a criminal, "There has never been any recorded footage of him. No physical evidence of his involvement with vigilantism besides for witnesses and..." Photos of criminals beaten to a pulp appeared, causing Miss Martian to gasp, "The criminal's state." The photos disappeared as Batman continued, "From what I managed to find out, he was trained by a secret organization called The Chaste. He was known as the best student and fighter. This ninja organization is one of the top 3 best and strongest ninja organization, ranking 3rd. He also has extreme acrobatics, heightened senses being able to detect a sniper rifle being reloaded from 30 miles away, and batons which he can use with his extreme precision. with can allow him to swing from building to building."

Kid Flash leaned closer to Robin, "Sounds like this guys can take on Bat-Dad by the looks of it." he whispered to him. Robin scoffed with a smile, just thinking how wrong the speedster was.

Batman then continued, "I will be assigning 2 of you to go with Spider-Man, who was already heading there, to Hell's Kitchen. Robin. Miss Martian." The 2 stepped up beside Spider-Man, "You 2 will go help Spider-Man track this vigilante down and see what you can find out about this... Kingpin, from him. Good luck."

Back in the present,

Spider-Man landed in front of the goon, causing him to come to a complete stop, "Really? Stealing a woman's purse? Kinda corny don't ya think?" he asked as he cocked his head and his hands on his hips.

He tried to run the other way, but came to a stop again when he saw Robin standing there blocking his way now. He cocked his head, "Now you're trying to run the other way? Did you honestly think that would work?" Robin joked with a smile.

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