chapter one.

235 13 3

-Estella romano

Looking into the mirror the first thing in the morning was one of the most awful and best things in the world. As i examine myself . Head to toe. I take in my shoulder lenght hair. My thick thighs which i dispise. My light brown eyes and my cute button nose. Finally my dreadful scars. New and old ones. Lining my body , creating a deep painting. Not the type billions of people would watch , the type where as they'd feel nothing but pity . They were hidden from the world . My eyes lifeless , my cheeks are hollow . Dark circles surrounding my eyes from the lack of sleep. Yay to insomnia!. Welcome to the life of stella romano-
A loud bang startles me from my amazingly dramatic introduction.

I stop and exhale a deep breath , already knowing who interrupted me , i hear someone struggling to open the door , due to me locking it obviously.

"Come on stel , ive gotta take a shit and you're clogging the damn bathroom" Ladies and gentlemen , meet rahul romano , my annoying brother. I brush my teeth , using the last bit of strenght i have , brushing it slowly just to get a rise out of him . Finally i decide to rinse my mouth , make sure i look atleast presentable to go to school. Oh who am i kidding i always look like shit. Baggy sweatpants and baggy hoodie , a bit of lipgloss and mascara. I pop my lips creating a dramatic effect . I walk to the door , turning it , just to be shoved out the bathroom and into the hallway.

I glare and grind my teeth so hard i hear a crack "If you fucking touch me again , ill take out your eyeballs when you sleep and use them as new earings". I glare at him , making sure every part of him is marked by my glare . His blonde hair , green eyes , button nose like mine and huge 6'3 height. I see fear in his eyes. Thats right you dumbass. The door slams into my face just an inch away from the tip of my nose . Fuck my life. I limp towards my room , making sure to accidentally rip off all the family pictures hanging on the wall. I walk past my older sister Ashley romano's old room . I push it open . Purple wallpaper decorated around her room . Pictures surrounded everywhere. A small bed made for one and her vanity. I walk in . Or try to atleast. Another story for later. I sit at her bed. Staring into the same brown eyes as mine. Same face , same everything. Well except for one thing. She was fucking perfect and i just happen to look like her. She was gorgeous. The favorite. plus she didnt have scars everywhere. I always wanted to be like her , even though i didnt like her. Well i mean "like" would be an understatement. I hated her. She got all the boys attention. Was friends with the whole damn school . Her cheerleading trophy stands big infront school. Every single day reminding me that shes here. Still alive. Reminding me that shes the original that she was better. Although she was only two years older than me and in college, it didnt change the fact that i was more matured. Doesn't change the fact that i hate her for ruining my life-

"What are you doing?" I startle , looking up at whose speaking, looking into my brothers eyes , watchin his confused face take me in. I didn't realise i was sitting here that long.

I rub my hands up and down my sweatpants , collecting cotton balls in the process and stand up , i exhale a deep breath "Oh , you know just admiring our perfect fucking sister" i say my voice laced with venom and make sure not limp but failed horribly and almost topples over , i steady myself and walk , i come face to face with my brother , i know what he's gonna say , i give him a look , daring him to say it , too late he opens his mouth and closes it again , finally giving in "Stel , she's your sister , shes our sister " he looks at me with pity.

Of-fucking-course. He always chooses her , even though were a year apart , i expected him to understand me , look at it from my point of view , well how would he , no one knows me , they dont know what I've been through. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear , rolling my lips in and nodding , the weight that sits in my throat goes down smoothly when i swallow and say " yeah , she might be blood and shit , but she still ruined me , shes the reason mom hates me so fucking much " i dont give him time to answer as i go downstairs and collect my bag from the couch , i wait for my dimwit brother to come downstairs . I look at the time 7:26am . School doesnt start until 8 . I hear footsteps enter the lounge and prepare for this terrible day. I look up at the source and see my brother carryin his bag and a piece of toast in his hand . My stomach clenches at the thought of food. My throat dry and my fingers sweaty .

"You're not gonna eat?" My brother asks while chewing , collecting jam from the corner of his lip , licking it. I make a face of disgust.


I contemplate if i should lie or if i should tell him the truth. Oh please what am i going to say "im sorry i can't eat , because i have this thing were i starve myself to the point where my bones are weaker and my body loosing weight faster " i think the fuck not. So i just say what i always say " no thanks , ill have something at school " my brain taunts me "liar". Oh shut up. He swallows and burps . Fucking disgusting. Although he was a pig , my brother was a sight for sore eyes . Catching everyones attention at school. He nods and walks to the door , nodding his head for me to go first , oh what a gentleman . I walk out , my legs hurting from the jumping jacks i did last night. I limp to my brothers gorgeous car. I slip in the passenger seat and connect my phone to his car , he glares at me , i glare back and he caves . I smirk in victory and search through my endless heaps of songs finally finding the one . Flawless by The neighborhood starts to fill the speakers and i tap my fingers to the beat . Oh how i love music . Music too helped me when i needed to relax , it was a sort of coping mechanism. I look over at my brother and see him drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. I smile and turn to look out the window. Trees and cars passing by, making me relax , only 3 more minutes, only 3 more minutes until were there . Until were in hell.

Rahul romano - 18

Rahul romano - 18

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