chapter thirty-two.

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-Zaid gonzales

My body was aching. It felt like i was run over by a car . My limbs cramped with each step i took from my car to my house and dried blood sat at my nose.
This was the feeling that i liked. I always liked the aftermath of my fights.
Emanuel thinks im insane. Or as he would say "severely mentally disordered" . Emaneul was a 50 year old guy with grey sideburns on each side of his head. He had this huge ass scar going horizontally down his eye. I met emanuel when i was eleven years old. My parents weren't home for 5 days and lia was hungry. I wasnt. I would survive weeks without food at my age. But when my sisters little grumbling came from her stomach i had no choice but to search for food.

I didn't have shit. No money. No food. The cabinets were empty and the only thing the fridge held was thick ice. I had made sure lia was perfectly bathed when i made her to sleep that day. She was only eight years old when starving to the brink of sleeping the hunger away. My heart hurt for my little sister. So i went out in nothing but a jersey that barely fit . Jeans with holes in and worn out shoes. I went out and asked every person i came across for money. And people from that side of town were cruel. They laughed when i begged and walked away. It got worse to the point where i considered breaking in to one of the stores and stealing whatever was necessary .

But i didn't do that.

I remember being so tired . It had been two hours of searching and nothing. I knew my sister wouldn't be awake because when she sleeps she doesn't wake up for a long time. I remember shedding a tear for my sister. For my coward parents . For everything. I was so exhausted and worn out from my dads hits too. I wanted to give up. Right there and then. I wanted to let go right there and then in the alley next to a dumpster. I was suprised when i heard rattling coming from one of the dumpsters. A smile broke out on my face as a cat curled his tale and walked up to me his movement making one of the trash bags fall over. Right there and then sat my salvation . The cure to my problem for now. There sat a loaf of bread , sealed. I didn't hesitate to dive for the bread. I didn't worry about if it was old or anything. I remember my frail small hands trembling as i picked up the loaf of bread. Tears of relief fell from my eyes knowing my sister would have some food in her stomach. I remember petting the cat and standing up so quickly to rush home.

But good things are always temporary. I remember the gasp that broke out of me when a saw a guy. He looked so dirty. He had this look in his eye. Right there and then i realised i had to go into survival mode. Isn't it crazy?i was willing to put my life infront of a loaf of bread. He didn't look at me. He looked at the bread. I saw him licking his lips. I was so scared yet so brave.
My hands trembled as i held my fists infront of me and prayed to god i would survive this night. Praying that i would atleast get this to my sister. I stood in my 5'7 form as i tried my hardest not to seem scared.

I remember the guy laughing as his raspy voice came "you really think you stand a chance against me? You're a kid. A pathetic little kid" i knew all too well i wouldn't win here. I was ready to give up. Ready to let him have his way.


Those were the exact same words my father use to say when he would hit the living daylights out of me. The exact words he screamed when i would hide lia and myself in my cupboard as i covered her ears .As my desk was the only thing protecting us from him entering and causing havoc in his awake.

Instead of cowering like i always did . I lift my chin up high as i gulped down the nerves i had. I didn't think when i grabbed the nearest weapon close to me which was a broken broomstick. All i saw was read when i rammed my body into his and used my last strength to push him to the ground. He arms tried to pry me off him but i only saw red and hit him all on the side of his head making sure i would only hit him unconscious. I knew where the hit was because my father always aimed for it. As the hits went on and my little grunts filled the alley way as the moonlight shined on the guy his arms went limp as his body slumped into the ground.
Satisfaction ran through my veins as i slumped my head down as my little breaths were shaky. That was my first taste of vengeance and all i knew was that i wanted fucking more.

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