chapter nine.

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-Zaid gonzales

By the age of 13 , i knew what guns were . Why my father and mother argued all the time which resulted in one of them sleeping on the couch or one of them leaving to go to a bar for a drink. I knew what drugs were and how they felt. I didn't think I'd be sitting in the principals office , questioning why i punched one of the teachers . I was under the impression that if i saw a fucking 40 year old man touch a freshmen, id have to do more than just punch his wrinkled face. The mintue i saw him calling one of the freshmen into his office . Whats her name... ah , Courtney foster. I followed her . She made sure to leave the door cracked open to his classroom easy for me to see and hear what was gonna happen.

She carried her books in her hand , walking slowly and shyly. Courtney fitted into the kids who sat alone at lunch catergory. There were more groups at my school . None other than Oakwood High School. There were the goths . Nerds. Dumbass jocks. Pick me's. Wanna be's. Loners. Stoners . And well me. I didnt have a group. I simply just existed. I didnt have any friends .I fucked a few pick me's to let off some steam , they know the drill , no attachments just fuck and leave , thats it , no more . I've never had a girlfriend, that sounds like too much work , i mean id like to find my someone someday , someone who understands me , but not now , i prefer my company and lias only . I started playing hockey too at the age of 14 , it was too distract me from home but soon turned into one of the things i liked . I didnt get along with my teammates, i was afterall captain infact ,i dont count the guys i do weed with and my teammates as friends. They're simply just people who i enjoy being high with and people i have to help on the ice . For as long as I've been here . I've been suspended. Quite a few times. Okay maybe not a few times . Each time ended with me in the principals office being given a note. Which all looked the same.

The reason i followed courtney was because, i know girls like her . My 15 year old sister is exactly like her . Fragile . One tick and they break. I saw him leaning into courtney , whispering something in her ear which made her stiffen . I didn't react that time , i stayed back until the real deal was gonna happen. Ive heard stories of professor Lincoln. Stories of how he liked to touch innocent little girls . He always liked them younger . Sick fuck.

I saw courtney moving inch by inch away from him until he grabbed her by her waist. Making me see red instantly. The last thing i remember is being dragged off by a few guys and courtneys loud sobs. And now im here. In the principals office having a stare down. I readjust myself in my seat as i stare at Principal howard. I smirk a bit and lean forward.

I clear my throat "We both know how this is gonna end , me with a white letter im familiar with too well" Principal howard doesn't say anything , he rubs his gray beard whilst observing the colorful pencils on his desk.

Hm thats a first . No talking?

He stays too quiet for too long , i begin to open my mouth but his words makes be breathe in a full amount of air "You're expelled"

I look at him perplexed, i lean forward" You're kidding?im not expelled . I did the fucking right thing. He was groping a minor" i hissed .

He looks at me sadly as he shakes his head "There was no evidence zaid , you cant just walk around this school causing chaos in your awake . I refuse to let that happen. I gave you a pass for all the things you have done...because you lost not one but both of your parents" he breathes. I slump in my seat as he brings back memories.

"Parents" never fit into my vocabulary, i wouldn't describe them as such . Thinking about them made my blood boil. They were simply two people who fucked. My birth giver got pregnant and gave birth to me. They were forced to feed me , bathe me . And look after me . I didnt owe them shit. They bothed died 7 months ago. Both drunk driving. My sperm donar caused the accident making them both die on the scene. Leaving me the house , ive grown to hate . I'd suppose I'd have to thank them . They both created my sister. I was 3 when mom gave birth to my sister . Aurelia gonzales. I had instantly grown close to her when she was born.

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