chapter twenty nine.

65 6 3

-Estella romano.

"April be careful, you're gonna fall!" I gasp as she runs down the hill of sand and closer to the water with lia by her side. Their laughter fills the air as the smell of sea water fills my senses. I inhale the scent as my body fully relaxes. I needed this.

"Please tell me we're not gonna have to babysit those two. April is like a little toddler and now we got another one added." rorys says from beside me as she perches her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose.

I sigh as we walk down the hill slowly as the warmth of the sand soaks through my toes "Im afraid so."

April and rory giggle as they roll on the sand and tackle each other. My flip flops sink into the sand as we struggle to walk "remind me again why we didn't fucking take the path ?" Rory breathes as she fans her face.

As we approach the two animals rolling around on the ground like tumbleweeds i throw my bag on the floor as i collapse onto the makeshift blanket lia and april made. "Jesus christ , how the hell do you guys still have the energy to tackle each other" i wheeze out as i wipe the sweat off my forehead.

I sit up and take my hoodie off . Im so glad i had the great idea of putting on concealer on my scars. I mean rory and april knew a bit about it. But they obviously didnt know the full story. And well lia. Shes new to me. Its not that i don't feel comfortable telling her its just. When people see my scars they assume the worst.I look down at my covered scars and its completely gone. Thank god. Good thing about it its water proof too.

"Im so glad we decided to go to the beach today , this is my first time without my brother here" lia hops up and down in a sitting position as april shakes the sand out of her hair.

Rory ties her hair up into a messy bun ontop of her hair as she takes off her sunglasses "Yeah no . From now on. You hang out with us. Your brother can't be your only friend" i nod along to rorys statement.

Zaid. That reminds me . Its been a week since i got out of his car. And a week since I've been at that illegal race. And a week since he left me wondering what he meant about the rain and shit. I thought he wouldn't speak to me again and avoid me like he's been doing. But he didn't. He talked to me on Monday like we were old pals and we've been pretty much okay. I didnt ask the girls about what happened on saturday because im assuming they got dropped off at home safely. As for rory and miguel. There's no doubt something happened between them with all the sexual tension and shit.

" you think if I swim far enough I'd find a shark?" aprils question snaps me out of my thoughts as i look up at her.

I raise my eyebrows "you do know that if you'd find the shark. Not that you would. But if you did. You'd be dead in a split second right?"

She scoffs "oh please , my legs are long. I'll be gone before he can even say chomp" she gestures to her mouth as she bites. " for you shortcake. Those short legs of yours won't do you any justice in the water " she winks as i glare at her.

"Hey !  Ive got short legs too " lia pouts as april pats her head "and we wouldn't have you any other way"

I shove my hoodie into my backpack as rory groans and takes off her sweater and shorts leaving her in her green two piece that molds to her body. Holy fuck.

I gape as i stare at her "When the hell did you get a belly piercing !"

She shrugs as she lets her hair loose "few months ago"

I look at the two kids next to me and their staring at her like shes a new book on a bookshelf.

"I want a belly piercing too"
"God bless your future husband"

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