chapter thirty-four

70 4 7

-Zaid gonzales.

"I suggest you start talking" my words come out stern and clipped. Her legs wobble as she heads over to one of the tables and sits in a chair. I watch her body movement and the way her hips sway from side to side. I grip the edge of the table as i sit on it and watch her intently. She tries to hide her blush and her shaking fingers. My eyes darken on her clenching her thighs together probably remembering our not too long ago intense dry humping. I loved her in that state. She was vulnerable and the brat couldn't even talk when my cock was coaxing her sweet pussy. Her sounds are imprinted into my head and it makes blood rush to my groin.

Fuck her.

She lied to me. What happens when shes suprisingly late for english? Knowing shes the first person always in class. I was angry. Angry when i didnt see her in her usual seat. I thought the worse. I walked right out of that lecture and searched the halls for her. What happens when i see that fucker cage her between the walls. I didnt see her face. But i knew it was her. I was fucking blinded by rage. I wanted to drive my fist into his face until he was unrecognizable. I wanted to ruin. I wanted to take her right infront him and slap her ass till she learnt her lesson not to fuck with anyone but me.
I didn't hear their conversation but i saw his smirk.

I walked into the nearest class possible hoping to go unnoticed. I paced the room because i knew if i stepped out of the class seth micheals would no longer be . So i waited until i heard her walking pass and grabbed her and let hell unleash upon her. I fucking teached her a lesson. I hope now the only man she'll remember when she cums is me. Maybe i was being rational and dramatic but shes mine. Mine to break. Mine to fuck. And mine to ruin.

i watch as she plays with the strings of her hoodie as she zones out on some writing on the table infront of her. I grind my teeth together "estella"

She snaps out of her trance as she stares for the first time up at me since she broke apart on my dick "w-what?"

"You're stalling"

She bites her cheek as she traces her fingertips on the edge of the table. I narrow my eyes at her.

"I dont know what you're talking about"

Anger courses through my veins as i clench and unclench my hands in my lap "look at me when you fucking speak"

She snaps her gaze up at me as she glares at me.

Theres my girl.

"I can't look at you okay? Not after-

"Not after you came because of my cock?" I smirk as i watch her horrid expression. Her mouth parts as she swallows and tempting neck bobs.

"Well...i dont understand. What happened?"she nibbles on her bottom lip making let out a puff of air.

"I teached you a lesson" i shrug as i smirk at her confusion.

She sprawls her tiny hands on the table and stares at me "lesson? I dont...what do you mean?"

"He touched you. I had to show you who you belonged to"

Her eyes widen seeming to understand where i was coming from "You dont understand zaid"

I stand up from the desk to my full height as i take dangerously slow steps toward her . Her eyes widen as she watches me come close. I grab a chair and sit infront of her "then make me fucking understand"

She stares at me as she begins to play with her fingers "stop"

Her eyebrows furrow "stop what?"

I take her hands in mine as a small gasp escapes her "stop doing that thing with your fingers. You dont have to be nervous infront me"

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