chapter twenty four.

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-Estella romano.

I purse my lips and nod as i point a finger to my bed. Zaid stands up from the chair he's been sitting in . And i immediately shrink under his height. Jesus this guy was huge. The veins on his hands are prominent and his damn hand tattoos makes it ten times worse.
I bite the inside of my cheek as he moves closer to me. I take a step back and clear my throat . "The bed...on the bed ."

He smirks as he looks at me up and down "Oh you want me on the bed hm?will you be joining me?"

My blood turns warm as my legs feel weak. My eyes widen as i register his words. Oh my god. Blush coats my cheeks as i go over my words and realise that it sounded completely wrong and erotic.

I regain composure as i scoff "No ,thats not what i meant. I meant sit on the bed . Its bigger for us to work and go over everything we need to do . And yes i will be joining you..." i point a finger at him "...but not in that way"

He walks to the bed as he goes to sit down . He cocks his head to the side innocently "What do you mean in "that way?" He says as he emphasizes with his fingers the last words.

He's teasing me. Christ how do i get out of this.

I walk to the bed as i make sure to leave a huge space between us ...but i can still smell his scent everywhere "you know what ! Forget it" i say as i slap the comforter. I hear him chuckle from beside me as i roll my eyes. I try to hide my smile as i try to navigate this stupid camera.

What the hell? Did she break the camera or something. This piece of old shit doesn't wanna go on. I groan internally as i can feel zaids piercing stare digging hole into my head.

"Whats seth micheals to you?"

The question stops me from throwing the camera against the wall. Silence rings out in the room as i realise i need to answer. And it takes me a few seconds to realise the question came from him. How do i answer that to him? What do i even say? That he basically slapped the shit out of me and threatened to tell everyone that i wanted to kill myself?

No ,i can't do that. Because what justice would that do? Nothing. Nothing at all.

I let out a sigh as i continue pressing a bunch of buttons "Whose seth?" I play dumb.

I feel the bed move as he adjusts himself "Don't bullshit me estella" his stern voice warns me.

A sudden wave of disappointment hits me when i hear him calling me at my full name. Never did i realise I'd grow into the cringe ass nicknames he would give me.

I look up from the camera as i stare at him blankly " What are you on about zaid?"

He looks from the camera and then to me . He stares directly at me. Making me feel a bit uncomfortable at his gaze . He's probably pin pointing every flaw about me in his head. I can feel him unraveling every dirty little secret i have kept buried behind my eyes.

I shake my head as he doesn't give answer. I continue to try and work this piece of old junk "you get uncomfortable when someone stares at you too long...why?" He questions.

I clench the camera as i ignore his question. Why did i think it was a good idea for me to invite him over? Now i just want every painful second to get overworth.

"You're beautiful you know that right?" He says from beside me. But its barely a whisper.

Did I know that? No ,ofcourse not. Thats sounds too good to be true.

I scoff as i take the screwdriver off my desk "Beautifully broken right?" I joke.

He's quiet for a second as i hear him intake a breath "Look at me".

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