chapter twenty three.

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-Estella romano

I speed home as i push open lia's backdoor...i hold onto the makeup kit as my anxiety spikes up . I feel his eyes on me . I turn my head up towards lia's room and there he is . Staring at me. Marking me. Smirking at me. I know what he's doing . He's trying to see if I'll break . If I'll be the one to fall. My eye twitches as i give him a middle finger as i walk across the road. I make sure to sway my hips a bit for dramatic effect. As i pass houses ...i can still feel his piercing stare on me that I've grown use to .

Who could've known? Zaid and lia are siblings. Blood. Brother and sister. I mean how didn't i notice it?she was new . She kept on talking about her overbearing brother . They got the same eye shape. And not to mention they're both damn spanish. I slap my forehead as i approach my doorstep.


I crane my neck as i see both of my parent's cars infront of the garage. Well aren't they early? I sigh as i push open the door slowly. I was hoping to get some alone time before zaid came over with his imtimidating self. The sound of chatter and the chopping of a knife goes off in the kitchen. I shrug as i walk to the noise. I put my bag on one of the couches as i yawn.

"Dear ? Have you heard from ashley lately? I get that she's in college and everything but shes still my little baby" my fathers words stop me in my track as i stop at the wall and hide behind it.

My sisters name brings back so many memories. Not good ones ofcourse.
Girl was a pain in my fucking ass.

I don't hear any talking ...just as im about to make myself known my mother speaks "Well she speaks to me...she's good. Her grades are good. Obviously. She's taking extra curriculum activities and she's even got a boyfriend" i can basically hear the disgusting smile my mother has on her face.

I bite my lip in thought. Mom has never spoken about me that way . It was always "why dont you be more like your sister" . Mom irritated the shit out of me. Her being a total bitch made it 10x worse . I don't understand . It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault at all. Tears sting my eyes as i try to contain my breath. I bite the inside of my cheek as the taste of metal erupts into my mouth.

"...what? She speaks to you? Why doesn't she wanna talk to me?" My fathers voice softens as i grimace at his desperate words.

"Well i am her favorite...and she is my favorite daughter" my mother chuckles.

Dam broke.
Water everywhere.
My heart? Shattered.

Did she have no sense? The last bit of redemption i had for my mother was absolutely gone now. I knew i wasn't the favorite. I mean ...she had no choice but to birth me and look after me. Putting me into foster care would've been alot of work she did the only choice. She looked after me with no love . No warmth . No words of reassurance.

"Why would you say that? You've got another have to love them equally. Estella already feels like she doesn't get your she's just there . What if she was here to hear all of that?" My fathers voice hardens as i wipe my tears furiously.

By now I know my cheeks were red and stained with tears. But i didn't care. I bit my lip as i made myself known. I put on a huge smile as i slapped the wall of the kitchen. I probably looked crazy right now.

Both of their heads turn to me . By my state they know i heard everything. I look at my father as i try to give him a sign. A thank you . Anything . The only thing i could give him was a loopside smile. I turn my head to my mother . She stands there in all her glory . My damn face. Everything . She stands with the knife in her hand as her white shirt is rolled up at the sleeves. Her pencil skirt hugged her waist as she stood in 2 inch heels.

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