chapter thirty-six

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-Estella romano

                           2 years ago...

The faint sound of giggles fill the air as my cheeks stain with tears and the pressure on my chest increasing. I wiggle in my laying position as my long brunette hair manages to get into my mouth. I want to vomit at the taste of my 2 week dirty hair but i compose myself. I lean on my arms as i lift my head up just enough to see ash grab a pillow and i scream as i stand up from the sofa and i start running . My giggles filling the air "stop ! Stop ! That wasn't part of the game" i manage to wheeze out as i run around the kitchen counter wiping the tears of laughter that has stained itself to my skin. Ash stands at the otherside of the counter as her eyebrow quirks up . She's breathless and a small smile pulls at her lips. We stand on opposite sides as i try to contain my breathing.

I don't know how long we stand there for but when she starts to run around the counter i start running and laughing as i l run out to the backyard "you can't hide forever stel !" She yells from behind me as the warm sun pierces me and the damp grass tickles my toes. My brother is out here with all his hockey friends and all their attention turns to us as they watch ash chasing me with a pillow. But their attention is mainly on her.

It always is

I turn around to see how far she is but once i do her body slams into me as we both go toppling into the pool. I gasp as the cold water grabs us and gives us a cold hug. The sun no longer visible, only its shadow gleaming on the pool. We sink down into the pool and my hair is everywhere and so is ashleys . She smiles at me from underwater as i submerge with her. I suck in a deep breath as the sound of chatter and the feeling of the suns gaze hits upon us again as if it missed our company. I push my hair out of my face as i turn to my sister she has a satisfying grin on her face. I splash water into her face " no fair you cheated , and now im all wet" i pout and she chuckles as she begins to swim away from me and out of the pool. I stay in the pool as i watch her white crop top clings to her hourglass body making her look all hot and unbothered.

Her shorts too sticks to her amazing ass as her hair falls to her middle back. The same length as mine. When people see ash and i together they assume were twins. I cherish that comment because she's one of rocklands oaks highs hottest looking girl. Although she's in the 11th grade while im in the 9th , people would still think were twins. I watch as my brothers friends gawk at her and i roll my eyes at their behavior. I decide to follow suit as i get out behind her. My sweatpants sticks to my thick thighs and i immediately feel self conscious at it being so visible. My long black tee molds to my body showing my big growing breasts. Which ash called "mommy milkers" or whatever that meant. What was different between ash and i were.

She was slimmer than me. The good kind. Model like. Her breats were perky and small where as mine were...I'd rather not talk about it. My thighs were thrice the size of hers . Thats how people could tell us apart. By our figures. She was praised by hers . Whereas i was...loathed?

I bow my head down as i feel all the stares at us. Ash walks with her head held high as she pierces her imtimidating gaze at each and everyone of my brothers bestfriends. She was the oldest. We're all a year apart. Rahul is in the 10th grade .

"Can you go change?" My brother glares at our sister as i fight the need to chuckle at his possessiveness. My sister folds her arms as her nipples stand up straight and my eyes widen. Thank god i always wear a bra. Theres no way I'd be able to walk like her around. My back would be sore for days.

"I don't see what the problem is little bro" she says as she dries her hair out and water falls as she manages to get every single drop out "You're flashing my friends"

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