chapter twenty one.

69 6 4

-Estella romano.

At the end of the day , i rush to the library as everyone floods past me to get home. This whole day went past like a blur , one second i was in that classroom with zaid the next i was doing a favor for april by returning her library books while she had to pick up her dad from the airport. The relief i felt when my brother dropped his keys in my hand at lunch was refreshing. Which meant i could drive myself home while he stayed at practice.  So i didn't have to worry about how i was gonna get home. I push open the library doors as the smell of old books fills my nostrils. I inhale the scent as a small smile lights up on my face .

You can hear a pin drop by the amount of quietness in here . I shrug off the nerves of being alone in an empty library. I move my short legs to the front desk where im hoping I'd get the library care taker.  I let out a sigh of relief as i spot a ball of grey hair sticking out behind the desk .

I clear my throat as Mrs. Syce pops her head up . An elderly smile erupts on her face as she realizes its me "hi dear , what can i help you with?"

I smack the four books on the desk "April couldn't make it , so she asked me to bring back the books she took"

"Oh well , thank you dear. I'll just need you to sign here" she says as she hands me a pen , she holds up her finger "...hold on , now where did i put the registration sheet..." she mutters to herself as she bends down as she rummages through the shelves "...ah! Here it is" she smiles as she holds up a white sheet of paper .

I sign out as she smiles at me "thank you dear !be sure to tell april , i won't go easy on her ass the next time she misses the due date" she points a teasingly finger at me , making me chuckle

I salute her " yes ma'am" . I move my two short legs away from her desk as a ping goes off my phone , i take it out as i check who sent me a message.

                         Rahul romano💩

Hey , i won't be home tonight.
The guys and i are going out
for some drinks at BOBS BAR.
                                 Me: and i care why?

You my dear sister , will
keep your mouth shut to
Mom and dad😈.   

                                 Me: whats in it for

I'll buy you new hoodies🙄.
                                  Me: deal.


                                  Me: weird.

                             *ends chat.

I switch off my phone , just as im about to lift my head up , i walk into someone , knocking me on my ass and knocking their shit out of their hands . I fall hard on my ass "oh shit."i groan.

"Oh my god , im so sorry . I should've watched where i was going!" a female voice says from above me.

I clench my eyelids close as i rub my butt. "Its all good" i say and open my eyes.

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