living in bliss

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In the nursery, type was bobbing minsa who looked over her father to coo, he then turned his head to look to tharn who came in with her brother minka, with a bottle to his mouth that was filled with blood to then go to stand right next to type to eye him over to then look over there daughter.
"How are you two doing?"
Type smiled has he looked over his man to then look over there daughter, tharn then placed minka to the crib to then turn to grab minsa to place her next to her brother to go to type to wrap his arms about.
"It's date night type. They will be taken very much care of."
Type took in a deep breathe to then wrap his arms about tharn to eye him over..
"I know they will, since my mother won't...."
Type and tharn turned to eye over Bonnire who came in to eye over her son.
"You died...... Of course I'm not going anywhere."
Type rolled his eyes to move back from tharn.
"6 months ago, I'm fine now."
"Yeah well, this seems to keep happening, I'm not going anywhere."
"You know, my step dad is not liking living without you ."
"I told him to move in here, I'm not leaving you type. Also I'm near nuru, can't be closer to your sister given she's in America with her husband and children."
Boonire made a face type then went to her.
"Maybe move back to America to be with your husband and my sister?"
Boonire looked over type to move closer to place her hands to his face.
"I..... Can't lose my baby."
Type made a long face to then place his hands to her wrists for them to hold hands for a moment, tharn went to them to take them apart to hold types hand. Boonire and type looked to him for Bonnire to step to tharn.
"You need to stop being a jealous vampire, type is my baby and always will be."
"Yes. However you are not the only person who has lost him several times. I love your son."
Boonire nodded to then look over type who was eyeing tharn she then laughed, type looked to her.
"Your ears are so red type."
Types eyes widened to then roll them to turn to leave.
"I'm done with you two."
Bonnire and tharn then looked to each other for boonire to sign.
"Have you've told type yet?"
Tharn looked over her to shake his head.
"I..... Don't want to."
"Tharn.... Every single time you keep something from my son it is never a good thing. You need to tell him."
"I already know what..."
"Tharn, you are his husband, tell him."
Tharn made a hard face to then walk about.
"Please take care of my twins, I'm going to spoil your son."
Bonnire smiled to then go to the crib to look down at the twins to make a face.
" know better "
Minka had his sister's arm in his mouth to teeth on her flesh not to bite to then look over boonire with a face. Boonire signed.
These two can not keep being placed in the same crib.
To the counter in the kitchen, type had his head hung to mutter under his breathe has he was reading through the mail, to then have it taken away to be turned about to have his mouth to tharns to melt with this deep kiss, tharn then moved back to eye over his half breed.
"It's time to go."
"Mm... Where are you going to take me?"
Tharn smirked to place his hand to his to then pull type along, to there car type looked out the window to see his family, his son's, daughters, grand children to take in a very deep content breathe. Tharn placed his belt on to eye over type.
Type moved his head to the other side to then place his hand to tharns.
"I'm so happy."
Tharn couldn't help but to smile and wide to then drive them off to keep holding types hand, type then took in a deep breathe has they left there huge home.
"Well.... Almost happy."
Tharn made a face to peer his eyes to type to then look forward.
"Why only almost?"
"Well..... Your repeating something."
"What is that?"
"It's been 6 months tharn..... Without my vampire..... In that way..... When are we going to..... It's starting to really piss me off."
Tharn Darted his eyes.
"So..... Where I'm going to take you is a bit far."
Type rolled his eyes to then take his hand back to wrap his arms about his chest to then look out the window.
"Great..... Deflection....."
Tharn kept his head forward to grip the steering wheel has what Bonnire and him were discussing, has tharn did held a secret from type, but he didn't know nor want to tell him since they were living in utter bliss since he came back.
Parked a bit later, tharn turned his head to look over type.
"Close your eyes."
Type looked to tharn for a moment to then sign to close his eyes.
"Now keep them closed."
Tharn then got out to go about to open the car door to then help type out to place his hands to his eyes to cover to help him walk.
"Tharn.... What are you doing?"
"Taking you to a place, we've once been before, so many years ago."
Going to the entrance, tharn took his hands away for type to look it over to lightly chuckle to then turn his head to eye over tharn to be a little confused.
"The.... Carnival?"
Type then turned his head to look about.
"But.... It's empty."
Tharn went behind type to wrap his arms about.
"I don't want to share you with anyone type. Just want it to be you and me."
Type couldn't help but to smile and wide to then wiggle out of tharns grasp to then grab his hand to pull.
"Let's go and have nothing but fun, also need to take a picture."
Tharn couldn't help but to smile to go and do everything type wanted, soon they came out of a photo booth for type to grab the pictures to chuckle.
Tharn went to him to wrap his arms about to eye.
"What? I'm smiling this time."
"That's why I laughed. Also..... Were almost 150 years old and still look...."
"Like our high school selfs I know. Don't think it's a bad thing."
Types smile fell.
"Is..... That why you won't...... Make Love to me?"
Tharn moved his head back to eye over type.
"That statement doesn't make any sense."
Type turned abruptly to eye over tharn.
"Why won't you make love to me tharn?"
Tharn looked over type.
"That line of thinking is ruining our date night."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Did....I come back..... Wrong?"
"Type.... Your not making any sense tonight."
Type took a step forward.
"I'm trying to figure out ways, ridiculous maybe, but still trying to find out why you won't make love to me. I don't understand."
Tharn Stepped to type has tears started to go down, he placed his hands to his face to place his thumbs under his eyes to wipe them away.
"Type, your body has been thru a lot. That's all this is. Now please stop."
Type moved his hands up to then move tharns away to really eye him.
"Bullshit! There is a reason why! What is it!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn to start to eye about.
There has to be something we can further do to distract my half breed from this.
"You need to stop shouting. Let's...."
Type wrapped his arms about himself to Furrow his brow in anger.
"Your....fucking someone else, aren't you tharn?"
Tharn stopped to part his lips, he turned to look at type in disbelief.
"How...... Just tell me how..... You can fucking think that half breed!"
Type took in a deep breathe to keep eyeing over tharn.
"What's.... There name?"
Tharn lost his composure, he then went to type to place his hands to either arm to grip to really look him over.
Type held strong.
"Are..... They better then me?"
Tharns eyes widened.
"You.... What the hell is wrong with you!"
"Why won't you make love to me then tharn! The only thing I can think of is your fucking another you son of a...."
"I'm not fucking you because you can get pregnant and....."
Tharn then made a hard face, types Lips parted to dart his eyes over him to take in rapid breathes.

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