fighting against the evitable

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To there room, type and tharn went at it and hard kissing the other like mad, for type to make a face to then place his hands to tharns chest to push him back.
"Really? You do know Kris and zhan are..... Don't you find it disturbing a bit that they and now we and......"
Tharn placed his hands to types to place his fingers through to place them to either side of his head to look him over.
"We have sex when most likely our children in our home, every one does it type. You need to come to terms with that. Or should we never have sex again?"
Types eyes narrowed to then widen to then squirm tharn looked over him a bit confused.
"What are you doing?"
"I said two months!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to go down to start to kiss at his throat, type whimpered a bit to stop squirming. Tharn couldn't help but to smile.
"Still.... Want.... Those two months?"
Tharn slowly moved his hands down giving type that option for himself for type to keep his hands where they were too turn his head to slightly moan has tharn started to go down further to take his hands to his shirt to rip it to shreds, type couldn't help but to laugh a bit.
"How much money have weve gone through for what you just did?"
Tharn moved up to throw the remains to the side to look over types semi extended stomach to smile to place his hands to it to caress to look over the action.
"Thousands, will be more, trust me."
Tharn then moved back down to shred types pants for him to lift his head back to moan and hard has tharn went to his cock to down.
To the room, zhan had his forehead to the wall, with his hands palm flat to it to be moaning and hard has he was being pentrated and hard by Kris to the back for him to then move his hand up to then spank zhan and hard to rub.
Zhan turned his head to eye over him.
"What the.....aaah!"
Kris then placed a hand to his head to grip at his hair to move zhan to his body to keep pounding into his hole to wrap his other arm about him.
"You've been so very naughty."
Zhan then moved his body with Kris to get his fill.
"So You! We..... Can't keep.....oooh God I wish we could! I've missed you!"
Kris held him tighter to keep thrusting to move his hand about from his head to then place a thumb under zhans eye to wipe away his blood tear.
"Zhan.... Don't cry....."
"Can't help it! I miss you! Hate not being able to wake up next to the man I love!"
"I despise it has well, however do you not remember Trina? You almost ripped off your ring finger because you thought I was having an affair with that one human I fed from given I couldn't fed from you since you were so anemic with her."
Zhan kept his eyes forward to be pounded into.
"I...... Know..... Maybe since were here..... Maybe type has a serum. Don't know why we hate....mmm.... Hate the other when I'm pregnant with girls but....aaah I'm going to cum!"
Kris held him closer has he filled zhan once again.
To his room, minka tossed aurilo in to then place himself to his door to look him over.
"How you are being, do you think it's funny?"
Aurilo looked about to eye a book case to look at the titles.
"Need to pick up more books for you when we get home. My library is lacking too. Didn't know you read....."
Aurilo turned to eye over minka to then smile to go to him to place his hands to his waist to sway him a bit back and forth.
"How is it your elder is more fun then the younger?"
Minka rolled his eyes.
"I don't want you to act that way and to stay away from my grand mother."
Aurilo raised an eye brow.
"Do..... Do you think I.....minka! That is your grand mother!"
"And youve been with women."
Aurilo narrowed his eyes to then place a hand to minkas throat has gently has he could given aurilo was growing in anger at his assumption.
Minka then took in a shaky breathe in to place his hands to aurilo to look him over.
"Show...... Show me I'm wrong."
Aurilo raised an eye brow.
"In your parents home?"
Minka narrowed his eyes.
"See! Your trying to get....mmm!"
Aurilo moved minka to his mouth to give him a crushing kiss to then move them back to turn them about to push minka to his bed to then place his hands to the bottom of his shirt to take it over to toss it to the side.
"I am trying to be respectful has I am in my new in laws home, however if you want me to show you, well...... I'm sure this room needs to be shown some things."
Minka moved his one leg up to bend it to his bed to look over aurlio with his bottom lip curled into his mouth for him to watch aurilo come to him for them to kiss and hard to go into a very explosive round.
To the living room, minsa was to the other side of her grand mother who decided to sit in the middle of those two to be sipping at her glass of blood.
Minsa then turned her head to move it back has cytero was already looking at her to then smile to then motion with his head. Minsa made a face to shake her head to move it forward has her new hormones were driving her, minsa then got up to leave, boonire looked to then move her hand up to grab cyteros hand to pull him down to eye over him to lower her glass.
"You have already caused my grand daughter to......" Boonire signed to take her hand away to look forward.
"Just go."
Cytero looked over her to then get up to go to minsa where they went straight to her room to just let go for all the couples to do that also.

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