getting down to it

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Filling nitra once again, the doctor was hovering over for them to have there kissing start to slow, cisero took his tongue out of his mouth to look over nitra who was glowing.
"Saw it again."
"I love you."
Cisero raised an eye brow to then go to his neck to nuzzle with his bottom lip.
Nitra turned his head to curl his bottom lip inward to bite into it has he felt cisero.
"I feel nothing for cherio. Only for you. Nn.....cisero...... Again. I want more of you."
Cisero couldn't help but to smile to give into his vampire, to the couch, neura had his arms wrapped about cherio, to have his head turned has he was going up and down his length to keep his lips in a hard line, he didn't want to be heard, cherio sat down to be eyeing up with his hands to either side of neuras hips to be gripping and hard.
"Going to cum for me again? My half breed slut?"
Neura opened his eyes to turn his head to look down with a face to then place his body on cherios has he started to go faster.
"Nn... Stop that!"
Cherio peered his eyes to the side to look over neura.
"You have no idea what you have put me through my neura, you have debt that is it be owed."
Neura buried his face into cherios neck to moan has low has he could.
Outside, type had his body pressed to the tree, to have his finger nails inside, his canines were down, has tharn was filling him deep with his cock, to have his cannines into his neck, to have his eyes peered up, tharn then placed a hand to his cock to leave his other hand to his waist to grip, type placed his forehead to the tree to shiver a bit.
"Aaah god tharn! Love when you hit that one spot.... So deep....."
Tharn couldn't help but to smile, to move that one hand from his waist to move it up to move types head to the side for them to go into a very deep kiss has they both came at the same time.
Dressed, tharn went around type to start to go to the house, while type followed.
"Tharn, I don't think it's time."
"Type, we need to see both our boys and make sure they are well."
"What happens if they are not.... Um...."
Tharn shrugged.
"They better be."
"Damnit tharn! I don't want to see....."
Tharn rolled his eyes to go to the front door to open it and quick, in the act, neura pushed cherio away to then grab his clothes to down and quick, cherio did the same, for type and tharn to go about, tharn eyed over them.
"Where is nitra?"
Cherio looked down the way for tharn to turn his head to go, neura kept his head down has his ears were very much red, for type to eye over them to then follow tharn once more.
The door swung open for tharn to look about a bit confused he then smelled the air to know what nitra was up to, he then turned his head to look to the bathroom to hear something he knew quite well, going about, tharn opened the door to see a doctor he semi knew, to his knees with boxers on, to have his hand to nitras back to be rubbing, he was to his knees throwing up, type came about to eye over this.
After they helped nitra and the doctor get settled, everyone was to the living room, type stood behind tharn who say to a chair to be eyeing over his children.
"Okay, so.... You two are pregnant, and you two are brothers?"
Cisero and cherio looked to then other to then eye over tharn to nod.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Okay, who are your parents?"
"Why does that matter?" Cisero inquired.
"I would like to know. Given I don't know when the wedding is, but I know it's not far off."
Cisero and nitra looked to the other for cisero to look to tharn.
"I still don't find it to be your business."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Excuse me?"
Cherio looked to then to roll his eyes.
"I don't see the big deal. Our mother is Emma tyerpo and our father is lin tyerpo."
Tharns eyes widened to snap his head to eye over type.
"Your girlfriend is there mother?"
Type rolled his eyes.
Cisero and cherio widened there eyes in confusion.
"What?" Cherio asked.
"She is not my girlfriend, but...."
Type widened his eyes to watch Tharn get up to leave, he watched him go to sign, to then look to everyone.
"I need to calm him down. I don't want anyone to leave this place."
Everyone looked to type has he left to eye each other.
Type went about to find tharn to a back room, to have his arms wrapped about himself to be staring outside, type took in a very deep breathe to then go to him.
"And you tell me I need to let things go."
"You dated her type."
"Not actually and you know it."
"Why does our past keep having to come back in this way? I really just don't understand it. Almost every one of our children, is with someone from our pasts children. This makes no sense to me."
Type took a step closer to place his hands to either arm to move them up and down.
"Maybe life wants us to reconnect with our past. Get closure from it. Emma was a sweet girl tharn, shit happened, you know that. Again my pissy vampire, who did I choose?"
Tharn turned his head to slowly turn to eye over type.
"Know you chose me. I am just sick of this....."
"I know  you are, but nitra and neura are our last. I also don't think there's is any one else from it that need to come back. "
Type darted his eyes over tharn to step closer to wrap his arms about him.
"I love you my vampire."
Tharn placed his hands to types waist for them to slowly move back and forth while they eyed the other.
"I love you my half breed."
The two couldn't help but to smile to go in for a kiss for it to start to go deeper, until they were disrupted with groans, type moved his head back to turn it to widen his eyes has he saw neura with cherio behind him.
Tharn narrowed his eyes to raise an eye brow.
"I did smell when I was coming into the living room what you were up to neura and....."
"Dad! Tharn!"
Tharn looked from his son to his half breed to slightly laugh.
"You two are one of the same."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn to start to go back.
"Okay we all need to continue to talk"
tharn watched them go with a face. To then slowly go.

destined part 3Where stories live. Discover now