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Inside his room, neura made the appointment in the same day, to be placing the serum to keep all of this under wraps to his arm, to then sign has he took it out.
Neura gulped to then lay down to eye over the ceiling, he made a face to slowly place his hand over his stomach to caress it a bit.
I can't believe this happened to me, how can I forget about this! My father's told me for years! I even watched it!
Neura then groaned to place his hands over his eyes to whimper a bit.
I knew I should have gone through that one treatment, to get this.... Whatever out so I can't have children! I don't want a baby, I don't want my career to be over! I didn't plan for this, any of this, damn you cherio!
Neura then moved his hands down to then go to his side to wrap his arms about to make a very hard face.
I don't want this. I shouldn't have listened to my family, my aunt's, uncle's etc, etc, who talked me out of taking that one body part out so I don't have to deal with this. God, sex is a fucking punishment!
Neura then jumped a bit.
Nitra was to his door to knock.
Neura groaned to then lay to his stomach to place his pillow over his head. He then quickly moved to sit to be the edge of his bed to place a hand to his stomach with a sick face.
"Neura? We need to talk about...."
"Nitra..... Um....I have something very important to do soon. Can we after?"
"What do you need to do?"
"My business and...."
Neuras whole body trembled for him to place a hand over his mouth to then run to his own bathroom.
Nitra darted his eyes to hear feet stomping.
Neura had his head in the toilet to be throwing up blood to move his head out to go to the wall to take in deep breaths.
"Nitra! Leave me alone!"
Nitra narrowed his eyes to grit his teeth to then turn to leave the apartment, he needed to go through his treatment.
Neura heard the front door slam to then move his legs to him to wrap his arms about himself.
I'm sorry nirta..... You have no idea how sorry I truly am..... I'll fix it.....I will! Then I'm never ever having sex again!
Neura breathed in and hard to then eventually be about to get up, to go and eat something to go to his appointment in stealth mode.
Going in, neura had a hat and dark clothes to give the doctor a fake name, fake everything to be to the room to be sitting to the edge of the bed to be kicking his legs to eye the action to sign, he couldn't help but to think of cherio.
This is good neura.... You two never should have done this, it's a punishment. That's exactly what sex is!
Neura then looked up to take in a deep breathe has the doctor came in. He came in with a folder to look over the results to sign, neura raised an eye brow.
"Um.... Doctor?"
The doctor went to the ultrasound machine to sit to place the folder to his side to look over the results.
"So.... When was the time you found out you were pregnant?"
"Today..... About 6 hours ago, why?"
The doctor turned his head to really eye over neura to be dumbfounded, he then got up to move his hand out
"Can you please lay back?"
Neura looked him over to then do just that, for the doctor to raise his shirt to place some gel to it, neura kept looking to the doctor.
"Doctor? Is something wrong? Am I not really pregnant?"
"Oh, your pregnant. It's just.....I can't perform an abortion."
Neura widened his eyes to move up to look over the doctor in anger.
"Why not!?"
The doctor rubbing the tip of the machine over the gel to look to the ultrasound machine.
"Well, other then you being a xian, we did run your blood against a few things...."
Neura groaned to whimper.
"Also..... This is what the tests are showing."
Neura turned his head in frustration to then widen his eyes to part his lips to slowly move down to eye over the monitor to then slowly turn his head to eye down.
The doctor nodded.
Neura then shook his head to eye back at the monitor.
"How..... How is this possible? I'm not even showing!"
The doctor shrugged.
"It is very remarkable."
The doctor then turned off the machine to go back to sit to eye over neura has he was handed a towel to then take off the gel.
"So you see Mr. Xian, I can not perform an abortion, no licensed doctor can, but even the ones to your family."
Neura groaned to then throw the towel to the side to then place his hands over his eyes.
"What can I do then!?"
"You have to let the pregnancy go through, now Mr. Xian, seeing your results, I don't think you are ever going to show, but this is going to be considered a.... Normal pregnancy. In 5 months you are going to have....."
"Ugh! I don't want this, any of it!"
The doctor made a face.
"I can see this wasn't planned."
Neura moved up to sign and hard.
"No it wasn't!"
"Who may I ask is the father?"
Neuras eyes widened to then hang his head for tears to fall.
The doctor nodded.
"Ah.....I see......Mr. Xian, you can always go through adoption."
Neura rolled his eyes.
"Once this happens, my family would never allow that....."
The doctor nodded to then get up to go to his computer neura then looked to him .
"I have my ways to keep this hidden, I know who you exactly are and what this could do to your career, you need to start to take pre natals and take care of yourself."
Neura laid back down to place his hands over his stomach to shake his head has the doctor talked.
There is no doing that....... My brother.... Once he finds out who the father is.... Is going to.... Kill me.....
Neuras chin quivered has he then started to think of cherio again to then go to his side to weep, this wasn't what he was wanting at all, but there was nothing he could do, he was 4 months pregnant with.....

destined part 3Where stories live. Discover now