pissed off vampires

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Shuffling about the hospital bed, neura couldn't help but to scream here and there, the pain was unimaginable, cherio was to his side with his hands to his to watch this in horror.
Type and tharn were to the wall to eye over it with the same expressions, nitra and cisero were to the other wall for nitra to have a face.
Sanxi was before neura to check him out with a pregnant nuru behind him acting like a nurse.
"Your not fully dilated yet. You are like one of your siblings, can't remember the name right now, you can have these babies without a c section."
Neura started to whimper.
Cherio looked to neura to then eye down.
"Can't you give him anything!"
Neura turned his head to eye over cherio with anger.
"No! No drugs! Not good for the babies!"
Cherio looked to neura with his own set of anger.
"Oh now you care for them!"
"Fuck you cherio!"
"No! Fuck you half breed! You should have...."
Before cherio could finish, nuru went to him to pull him away for cisero to help his hold him back has nitra took his place to his his brother's hand, the two eyed the other.
"Nitra! This hurts!"
"Take the drugs then idiot!"
Neura whimpered again to shutter.
Type then went to sanxi who then moved up with a face.
"Why did he bleed like...."
"That's his so to speak, water breaking, other then you and tharn, there is no real presidence for a half breed having twins. From what I could examine that's what it looks like."
Type made a sullen face to then go to neura to hold his other hand, neura looked to him.
"Dad..... This hurts so much."
"Then take the drugs!"
Type turned his head to look over tharn who eyed his un happy half breed to then look down, type narrowed his eyes to then look to his son.
"Child birth, is never easy."
Cherio struggled on ciseros grasp.
"Damnit neura! Just take the fucking drugs! What the hell is wrong with you!"
Neura then looked down to eye over him..
"I slept with you! That's what's wrong with me you piece of shit!"
Cherio widened his eyes to try to go back to his man, for cisero to then pull him out.
"Sanxi, let us know when neura is pushing, cherio, you need to calm down!"
"No! Let me go! Damnit cisero!"
Neura watched cherio leave to start to take in deeper breathes to pull his hands away to try to get up, type and nitra looked to him with shock, nuru turned to go to him to try to push him down while sanxi and tharn eyed .
"What are you doing!" Nuru yelled.
"Bring back my husband! I can't do this without him! He did this to me! Won't bring him back fine! Let go!"
Type and nitra placed there hands to neuras arms to then pull him back for them to eye over nuru.
"Please bring in cherio."
Nuru made a face to then look to sanxi. Sanxi nodded for nuru to then go forth.
Cherio and cisero were arguing in front of neuras other siblings who were sitting around to get some news to then eye nuru, for cherio to go around to eye.
"Is he...."
"He won't do this without you, now cherio I know you're mad, was watching the show on the television, be mad at him later, he needs his man to get through this. Please be kinder to my nephew "
Cherio made a face to give a stiff nod to then go about nuru, cisero went to him for them to eye the other.
"Is he okay?"
"Sanxi hasn't said anything other wise. Neura..... Really is a baby, he can't really tolerate pain."
"Then why won't he take the drugs?"
"He just wants to have healthy......"
The two turned there heads has sanxi came out.
"I need help!"
Cisero and nuru ran after, inside, type and nitra went to stand by tharn, while cherio was to the side holding neuras hand has he sat up to push.
"What is going...."
"I'm sick of this fucking pain! They are coming out now!"
Sanxi looked over neura.
"You're not fully dilated yet!"
"I don't care! I will get there then! This hurts way too much! Now you two always listen to your fucking father, now you are going to listen to your mother! Get out!"
Neura kept pushing to breathe and hard to look to cherio.
"Fuck off vampire!"
Neura held cherios hand harder for them to directly eye the other for neura to then move back to scream.
"Sanxi! Check again!"
Sanxi made a face to go back to widen his eyes to then look to cisero.
"I need help! The baby is breech!"
Cisero widened his eyes to go to sanxi with gloves to help.
Sanxi eyed neura.
"The baby is coming feet first. I have to place him back inside."
"No! I want them out!"
"Neura! Babies don't come out this way! I need to place him back and turn him."
Cherio turned his head to eye over neura.
"You need to listen to him. You..... Are doing a great job."
Neura turned his head to look over cherio.
"Then you fucking do this!"
Cherio rolled his eyes, neuras body bucked to widen his eyes.
"Ooow! Fuck! I'm going to die! This hurts to much!"
"Almost...... Okay....neura push again!"
Neura hung his head to do just that.
"Okay, breathe, again."
Neura did just that.
"Okay... Good..... And..... Here he is...."
Sanxi gave the first boy to cisero who took it to then go to the other side with nuru in tow, neura turned his head to breathe in and hard.
"Why.... Why isn't he...... Crying....ooow.... Fuck!"
"Remember twins neura! Now push!!"
"W.... Wait! Why isn't he crying! Dad! Cherio,! Nitra! What is wrong with my baby! Ooow!"
Type moved and quick to go over to eye cisero cleaning the boy, to then look to type.
Neura lifted his head back to scream once more.
"Damnit! What is wrong with my.....ooow!"
Sanxi then grabbed the other boy to get up while the whole family, other then cherio went to see them.
Neura gulped to take in deep breathes to feel the life draining from him, he lolled his head to the side to eye over cherio.
"Mm... Where.... My.... Babies...."
Cherio kissed neuras hand.
"At least.... We have the other."
Neuras eyes widened to then roll his eyes to the back of his head to pass out, walking to his side, neura opened his eyes to slowly look up, cherio. Was there to smile and wide at neura to move closer to place his hand with his thumb to his forhead.
"How are you feeling my love?"
Tears started to come down.
"Neura? What is the matter?"
"Our..... Boys.... There.... Dead... Aren't they?"
Cherio looked to neura confused.
"What are you...."
Hearing soft crying and coos, neura moved up to look down to see type holding one boy and tharn holding the other.
Neura darted his eyes to then look to cherio.
"You said, at least we have the other!"
Cherio looked to neura even more confused.
"I never said that."
Type and tharn went to neura for him to snap his head to the side to sit to open his arms up for them to eye.
"You are passing out neura. Probably all in your head."
Neura looked to them to let happy tears fall to then look to his father's.
"Why didn't they cry?"
Type shrugged.
"Don't know, they haven't cried since they've been out. Sanxi and cisero checked them, they are perfect."
Neura couldn't help but to smile, cherio tried to grab one for neura to move back to growl at him, his eyes widened to then look down.
The one to his left arm started to cry a bit.
Type couldn't help but to laugh. He had been the same.
Neura took in a deep breathe.
"You two are mine."
"Yes they are neura, but you need to let your husband hold them too. He hasn't given you couldn't."
Neura Parted his lips to eye over cherio to then smile.
"I love you cherio."
Neura then handed them to him to lay down to eye, cherio looked to his son's.
"What shall there names be neura?"
"What about..... The pain twins?"
Cherio looked to neura with a face.
Neura lightly laughed.
"Um..... What about.....ratree and chairo?"
"Odd names.'
Neura shurgged.
"I like them."
Cherio nodded to continue to eye over his babies for type to then turn with tharn in tow.
"Can't believe everything almost went..... What?"
Type stopped to turn his head to look over tharn in anger.
"I am pissed off with you!"
Tharn watched type go to shrug.
What did I do?
Tharn rolled his eyes to then follow his pissed off half breed.

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