why can't anything be easy!

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Waking to his side, type then went to his back to move his arms up to streach to then slowly get up to place his hands behind him to then look about to furrow his brow.
Type turned his head to then look to the side table to eye over the clock to then place his hand to the blanket to then take it away to get up, to then move about to head to the bathroom to eye in.
Type looked about with a face to then turn about to then go to the dresser to place on some clothing to then leave his room to search for his husband, going to the kitchen he looked to see it was lively like always with his older children to be feeding the younger to then not see tharn, type then turned to go about to the living room to eye in to sign, he saw his children but not tharn, type then went to Trixie to eye over has she was sitting down to be playing, to then eye him..
"Have you've seen tharn?"
"He went to his home office about an hour ago."
Type nodded to then turn to go about, he went to see the door was closed to then open it to eye in, it was empty.
Where the hell are you!?
Type made a face to then place his hand to his stomach has it started to growl. He was very much wanting his lovers blood.
Type signed to then turn to go back to his bedroom, he then went to his phone that was to the side table to then place to his ear to call for him..
Type darted his eyes to then narrow them, he got his voice mail, type took the phone to place it in front of him to shake his head.
What the hell vampire!
Types whole body tensed to then have the phone drop through his fingers. He was very much wanting his blood and now he was also wanting his body.
"God damnit vampire!"
Type made a very hard face to then grab his phone to place it to his side table to slam it to then roll his eyes has it shattered in pieces. He then got up to go about to then leave to go get his keys to then go to the phone store to buy another.
Has he was leaving, types whole body started to shake, he stopped to hang his head to wrap his arms about himself.
What the hell is wrong with my body! I'm not pregnant so what the hell!?
Type took in deep breaths has it passed to then go to his car to toss the bag to the side to then take his phone to his ear to dial for tharn to hunch himself over to place his forehead to the steering wheel.
"Tharn.....I don't know why you're not picking up but...... Damnit! I fucking need you in more ways then one! Are you cheating on me is that what this is you mother fucking asshole!"
Type then turned off the phone to throw it to the passenger side, to place his hands to his wheel to start to really shutter.
Type had to stay where he was for almost an hour while his body kept shuttering.
Going back home, type was in pain and was beyond pissed has he was believing tharn was cheating on him.
Parked, type took in very deep breathes to eye over his house to dart his eyes about with a face.
Should I even go in? Don't think tharn is even in there. I need his blood and God am I horny! Fucking vampire is probably cheating on me!
Type made a very hard face to then grab his phone to get out to slam the door to only get a few steps away to then sign, he could tell he broke his car door.
Type rolled his eyes to then go inside to start to go about to see his children doing a various amount of things to become irritated, he was hoping to see tharn. Type not really wanting to be around anyone went straight to his bedroom to then stop to widen his eyes to then Furrow them.
Type went in and quick to go to tharn who just came out of the bathroom to then push him back.
Tharn raised an eye brow has he looked over an pissed off type.
"Why this time?"
Types eyes widened.
"Can't you fucking pick up your phone!?"
Tharn then wrapped his arms about himself..
"Not when I'm apparently cheating."
Types Lips parted to then raise his hand for tharn to grab it and fast.
"Even though we have been together for almost 300 years you still don't listen, vampires do not like to be hit."
Type then took his hand away to step back to continue to eye over tharn.
"I don't like to be cheated on! Fuck! I want a divorce you son of a hey!!"
Tharn almost charged at type, to then pick him up, to place him over his shoulder to then take him to bed to sit upon him to place his hands to the other wrist to eye down.
"I am not cheating on you! Also not this moronic divorce shit again!"
Type struggled Under tharns grasp.
"Get off! What else could you possibly be doing, given you never....."
"I was going through our financials to our private owned bank, checked on all of our children and made sure to redo the nursery in  neutral colors."
Type stopped struggling to then look to tharn confused.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Apparently this pregnancy does not want to be found out, the doctor called yesterday night, your new test results came back, your pregnant."
Types Lips parted to sign.
Tharn nodded to then let type go to then move back, type went up on his forarms to hang his head to look to his stomach.
"We haven't even talked about...... Damnit!"
Type then placed his hands to tharns body to move him closer to then sink his cannines in to then place his hands to tharns towel to part, tharn couldn't help but to smile.
Here we go..... Again.

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